Dad is trying to get me dfe'd. Any suggestions?

by foolsparadise 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    "Treat your kids nicely for they will choose your nursing home."--Bumper sticker.

  • exjw2814

    Yeah, tell them not to interfere with your private life on facebook, that's what I do. lol

  • Scully

    Yeah, I'd threaten to expose his campaign of Love™.

    BTW, I thought JWs were strongly discouraged from using Facebook. Maybe while he's at it, he should turn himself in to the Elders™.

  • agonus

    "Encourage him to do it."

    Yeah, boy, call that bitch out!

    OK, my response may be a bit over the top, but you know what I mean. I'm at the point in my life where I almost want this kind of bullshit to happen to me. Call the cowards out. More ammo for us.

  • lisavegas420

    What a load of shit, he's trying to further punish you for being a survivor.

    Now you'll have to change your status to "Shun This"


  • spawn

    Im sorry to hear this but it's a common thing.

    If that's what your own father thinks you deserve then he doesn't deserve you as a child. These Cultists are sad to think that the Borg come before family and with views like that keep well away..

  • chickpea

    it may well have the unintended consequence of
    pushing fence-sitting relatives over to your side...

    the vigor of this forum seems to suggest there
    are not just a few seats in the KHs being warmed
    by individuals who are at the tipping point

    good luck to you in the approaching storm...

  • moshe

    Show a letter similar to this to your dad- tell him, if he shuns you you will send this to the newspapers and he can try to justify his conduct to his neighbors, workmates and every person he tries to preach to.

    Dear editor:

    I am a cult survivor. How do I know this? You see I have quit the religion run my the Watchtower publishing company, commonly called , Jehovah's Witnesses. My dad, who is a member of #$% Kingdom hall, in dumbdumb, TX has decided to shun me and all my Jehovah's Witness relatives have been told to shun me, too. My crime is that I know longer believe that the WatchTower publishing company speaks for God and that Jehovah's Witnesses are the one true religion and that everyone who does not follow the WatchTower publishing company religion will be destroyed by God on the day of judgement. My dad won't speak to me now and he thinks this is what Jesus wants him to do, because this is what the WatchTower publishing company tells him he should do. The next time you see my father or he preaches to you at your door ask him, if JW's shun family members who quit their religion. When he says, "no", just show them this letter and ask them why he thinks God would approve of a religion populated by habitual liars? And tell him I miss my family and if he ever decides to stop letting a corporation control his mind I am here to talk.

    If more JW's would do this- write first person letters to the news media, the KH would think twice about shunning. Having to explain at every door why they shun ex-members would make the D2D work very depressing for the JW's and cut into the profit of the WT publishing corporation.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    I would ask him, "Wouldn't that type of extremist mentality only prove it was a cult?"

    The JW's hate and deny the "C" word, but if it talks like a duck, walks like a duck and acts like a's a duck.

    Think About It

  • Bluegill

    foolsparadise...I'm sorry this is happening to you. One time my father told my inactive sister that if she was drowning or this particular pioneer sister was drowning and he could only save one would be the pioneer sister. Can't you feel the love? It's disgusting.

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