Dad is trying to get me dfe'd. Any suggestions?

by foolsparadise 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • mindmelda

    First suggestion...never put personal information again on Facebook. It's a public social network that anyone can see, even if they don't have your password and member name.

    Also if you really don't want to be DF'd, lie like a rug and tell your dad that someone hacked your account on Facebook and wrote that there to get you in trouble or that it was a bad joke, if you have a really odd sense of humor.

    Be convincing. But, they lie to you all the time, why not lie back at them? They don't have the truth, they use your words against you so they don't deserve to be told the truth.

    They justify lying to authorities about JW activities with that same reasoning so turn it around on them.

  • Bluegill

    "Encourage him to do it.

    I rarely talk to my parents and it doesn't bother me. They taught me to forget about those that don't follow the same belief as them."

    upnorth.....I like your attitude! It's almost like YOU have disfellowshipped THEM!

    They don't know what to do when you take their "authority" away from them. I once had a couple of elders stop by to let me know the CO was in town and all 3 would be stopping by to offer me some encouragement. Without hesitation I said.."No. That's OK...I'm good." They didn't know what to say. My wife told me later she almost burst out laughing.

  • AwSnap

    I cant offer any advice. He's your dad...not sure of your relationship with him? I'm sorry he's doing this to you though. I can relate. My father always warned my boyfriends about ME, even though I was just faded. He would tell them that I'm bad association and that they could do better. He even had a sit-down talk with my now-husband to warn him about me. Now, I just realize it's the cult mentality. They think they're doing it for Jehovah. But its still annoying as $hit.

  • peaches

    (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( foolsparadise))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


  • besty

    great letter Moshe - I'd maybe add a line something like:

    "One of the primary indicators of whether a group is a cult or not is how they treat members wishing to leave the group. In the case of Jehovah's Witnesses they practice extreme shunning of former members, even of immediate family members. Nothing is allowed to come between loyal members and the leadership."

  • Scott77
    He would tell them that I'm bad association and that they could do better. He even had a sit-down talk with my now-husband to warn him about me. Now, I just realize it's the cult mentality. They think they're doing it for Jehovah. But its still annoying as $hit.

    I just want to say I was LOL after reading the above. My eyes were in tears but not because of pain but for amusement. Look, AwSnap , from the cult standpoint, is a bad association to be shunned. To her man who eventually would be her husband, she is a sweetie. Now, her dad was trying to 'warn' him how bad an influence she was to him! This begs the question. Are shunned JWs considered more worse than worldly people in general? So much for this cult

  • Scott77

    I had my religious view on my facebook profile stating that I am a cult survivor. My dad saw it and is trying to get the family to not speak to me.


    IMHO, you have not yet reached the stage of being fully refered to as a Cult Survivor. You are still fighting to attain this noble label. Iam rooting for every advise given on this thread. Please, weigh for everyone until you figure out which one is best for you. I wish I get a sticker with that label and put it on my car. Everyone loves a survivor because they are now leading a second life.


  • FreeAtLast1914

    FP, I feel your pain. My dad has also been caught stirring up trouble for me. He recently claimed to be anointed and didn't like something on my Facebook. He spoke to my (former) elders and CO. He banned me from his presence at a family gathering (which was sweet). And he has slandered my name to every JW family member within a thousand-mile radius.

    The good news: I recently discovered he went to a strip club a few years back. He doesn't know that I know. I'm just waiting for the perfect moment to bust him on it, probably when plenty of family members are around and he is slamming me for "leaving Jehovah."

    Revenge really is a dish best served cold...

  • rnicole76

    I am sorry but i have to say that this is so much foolery here...I don't understand why your father wants to put himself and your family in a position where they has to shun you, in case later on down the line he regrets his action. If he doesn't want to speak to you for that reason, that is his reason. What about your mother? Is she willing to follow with that step? It is crazy how the watchtower influence families to treat each other so cold. It is sad. Personally, if I am not depending on them for any resources, I would say to him that it is on his conscience not mine. You didn't do anything but speak your mind.

  • wasblind



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