You ever drive to the meeting, or field service meeting point, and do a U-Turn and go back home?

by miseryloveselders 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    No, I never did.

    I was painfully zealous.


  • peaches

    been there,,,done that....

  • yellow

    once at an assembly I couldn`t hack it and went off and found the nearest pub, had a few beers read the newspaper, had a couple of smokes, went and doused myself in perfume ate loads of mints before heading back just in time before the cong bus left.

  • sherah

    LOL, i've done this too many times.

  • crapola

    I did when meeting for service many times. Sometimes I just couldn't do it. But I usually went on to the meetings since for many years I played the piano so could'nt just not show up.

  • shopaholic

    Once I learned out what was really going on, I did that for almost every meeting for a couple of months. Always ended up at the mall or a store...sometimes even Michaels.

    There were even several times when I parked down the street from the KH trying to convince myself why I should go. Only to turn into the parking lot and simply circle right back out...LOL.


  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    I can't quite remember turning around and going home but I'm sure I have to have done it at least once.

    Anyway more recently I went out one morning that my wife wasn't going out because of work. There was only one sister there and she thought about someone else that would go out, much to my dismay. Being the brother "taking the lead"™, I thought to my self, AWWWW Hell no! So as a responsible brother I said, "Why don't you two sisters go together and I'll take care of somethings I have to handle this morning."

    I went home, worked out, showered, played a videogame, and went to meet my wife for lunch.

    Never new I could accomplish so much during a morning of field service! Best day ever! Lately I've just been not going altogether. Love my bed!!

  • dozy

    Done this quite a lot with the ministry. Especially when I got caught up in traffic & just couldn’t face the hassle from people complaining that I was late.

    It was much easier when taking the arrangement to do this, especially when everyone was paired up. It was easy to claim that you had a few calls or a bit of “elders business” and just go for a coffee , pay a bill etc. Sometimes I would do a quick drive up an hour later to the territory to make sure everyone “was OK” (most people had gone home by them anyway.)

    Like bluesbrother , during circuit visits or other arrangements that involved the whole congregation , it was quite easy to just wander off - in the usual chaos at the end of the meeting , nobody really noticed. Ditto Sunday ministry after the meeting- stay for (or take) the meeting for field service & the prayer then just go to the supermarket (amazing just how many JWs you met there doing exactly the same thing) or go home.

    It is horrible to think of what a waste of time this was but the ministry is all about “showing face” – “visible ministry” as it is termed.

  • cantleave

    The closest I got to that was leaving the DC as the last talk of the started to avoid the traffic queues.

  • finallysomepride

    1999 drove from Auckland to Wellington on holiday, memorial night was on during holiday, I had all intentions of going, drove from hotel that evening to KH, 200 metres from hall I told my wife I'm not going in, she agreed and all 5 of us went to a restaurant instead.

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