Dear Gutted,
You asked if it is scholarly study of the Bible or self-study reading?
I would say both. But if I were you,+ I would examine the teachings of the organization starting with all the older literature. You will soon see that for YEARS they have flip flopped around, on different things, things they claimed at the time, that they were being lead by Holy Spirit with..and since we know Holy Spirit cannot get things wrong, you have to ask, were they being lead by Holy Spirit in the first place.
The most damning information, is the Societys older publications. Remember God CANNOT change. Light can only get brighter, if...for instance, we may not understand a command from God..but over time it is clearer, or "brighter" and we can clearly see why it was a command to begin with.
However, something that was wrong, can never become ok...remember..God does not change? So the law, or restriction was never from God to begin with...see my point? For example: For years it was a disfellowshipping offence and considered cannalbolism to have a organ transplant. Now it is ok, considered to be a conscience matter...what about all those who DIED because they followed the Societys instruction that is would you like to have lost your mother, only to find out would have been ok to begin with, and she died faithful to an organizations ever changing rules?? Such bloodguilt they have!!! Certainly this teaching was NOT from God!!
I was shocked in all my research to find the Bible I prided myself on using that had returned Gods name to all the original places, had gone BEYOND and ADDED to the Greek scriptures...inserting Jehovahs name where it never was, confusing the line between Jehovah and Jesus. If you look at the greek Septuagent I believe it is...a society publication, and compare it to the NWT, you will see where they have added, changing the meaning of the scripture.
Keep in mind..the scriptures warn," If anyone adds to or takes away from the things written, even if it was an angel of god..LET HIM BE ACCURSED." So that being said, if you read the Bible, I would get yourself one that shows 6 or so translations at a time to get a broader understanding...but I would steer clear of the NWT, at least steer clear of using it as your only source people at the door used to tell me, "You have your own Bible"...implying things were added to it to change the original meaning..I always blew them off as to having no idea what they were talking about. Now I know it was I that had no idea.
I agree addition to our research start with Crisis of Conscience..
Lady Liberty