Will Power asks:
"Jehovah's grand purpose" Isn't this the whole reason for becoming a witness dedicated to the organization in brooklyn?
That's a bit of a distortion. We are not solely dedicated to an organization, but rather to a cause. The organization is itself dedicated to Jehovah's cause and plays a vital part in the outworking of God's purpose.
The grand purpose was to have the garden of eden upon the whole earth forever and they are the ones that offer this?That is certainly part of God's purpose, it is also Jehovah's will to adopt a relatively small number of humans so that they become spiritual sons and daughters and make up a New Creation superior to even cherubs and seraphs and angels. While on the earth these chosen children of God are primarily involved in extending Jehovah's invitation to others to live on earth in paradise. Revelation foretells their activity where it says: "And the spirit and the bride keep on saying: "Come!...Let anyone that wishes take life's water free."
Did God know that Adam and Eve would sin? Was the entire history of mankind devised the instant the original sin was committed? Sort of plan B scenario?Jehovah made humans and angels with free will, so He was certainly aware that they had options and alternatives to doing his will. And without a doubt he could have had well in mind any contingencies in case his creatures misused their free will. I think the more intriguing question would be, Did Satan foresee the masterful way that God would be able to deal with his challenge? That's the much more intriguing question. Because here you have this powerful and intelligent angelic son of God who stood before the great God Jehovah in heaven for you knows how many eons, and he comes up with this scheme that he imagines may embarrass God and put him in a corner. Think about it, Here Jehovah states that it is his will that Adam and Eve fill the earth with their offspring, but yet they are condemned to death. Not only that, Jehovah declared that he was resting so he would be a liar if he had to go back and recreate two more "perfect" humans and hope that they will obey him. So either way it would make God a liar. If God would have let Adam off the hook God would have been a liar, because he already said, "You will positively die." And if God puts them to death or even allows them to procreate and produce a dying race, as was the case, God is still a liar, because when he said, "fill the earth" it is understood that he wanted perfect humans to fill the earth.
Hebrews the 1st chapter indicates that God's mandate to subdue the earth was not fulfilled, and cannot be fulfilled with imperfect humans. So Satan certainly thought that he had God maneuvered into an impossible situation whereby Jehovah would have to acknowledge that Satan bested him and God would simply have to move on and let Satan have his little kingdom over us. When God came out with his prophecy at Genesis 3:15 it appears that it was something that the Devil had not anticipated. Jehovah's grand purpose in Christ is nothing short of magnificent. God doesn't violate his Sabbath by creating a new man to replace Adam, since Jesus already existed in the spirit realm, and God's purpose to have the earth filled with a perfect race will come about through the redemption of the degenerate race made possible by Jesus' sacrificial death. No human could have thought up such a wonderful thing as that and apparently no angel could have foreseen God's solution either. That’s why the angels are spoken of a stooping down to peer at God’s activity in connection with the seed of his women. The whole story has not actually unfolded yet, but it has already been told. / You Know