Do you still pray? Why?
by gubberningbody 42 Replies latest jw friends
I prayed to my Higher Power last year when I was having a major crisis. I don't believe in anything: I just do what works. Sometimes prayer seems to work.
trans, I know what you mean.
I still do. It's superstition, I know, but it makes me feel better somehow.
I remember reading about a rabbi who said that if you were approaching your home city and you saw that someone's house was on fire that you couldn't pray that it not be your house, because God would have to transfer the fire damage miraculously to someone elses house.
Later I read that the hebrew root for prayer, hith-palel, meant not to petition but to meditate, and that the object of this meditation wasn't to change God's mind because any change would be a change for the worse, but it was instead to attempt to connect with the mind of God so as to have the pinnacle of all possible views on any given matter so that you might better know how to respond.
I think I like that better. Now I feel that I'm just trying to connect with universal consciousness to have the right mind on things.
Yes,I still pray.I am not sure if there is a God any more.But I want something more than just dying and going back into the ground.I feel if I pray,then I God may take pity on me and allow better things for me than just dying and not being conscious of anything anymore.
I pray. Prayer allows me to feel connected to God. Prayer helps me to voice my thoughts and concerns; allows me to be honest with myself and God and helps me to clear my conscience if I am troubled by something I have done.
Prayer grants me inner peace and peace with God.
Not that God needs my words to know what I want or need; He hears far better than what mere words can convey. But I need them, and so prayer is a gift for me.
Crisis of Conscience
I'm trying to keep it up but I feel somewhat disconnected at the moment.
And I've been wondering why we have to ask God for things so much, repeatedly. I mean if he can read the heart and knows what we need before we do, how many times do I have to ask?
I like to illustrate it like this: Someone has a snakebite and needs an antidote, which you have in your possession. You can readily perceive this person needs help, perhaps without him saying a thing. But yet you expect him to keep asking you for the antidote, even begging you. And you respond that you realize what he needs but then proceed to say to please ask you again.
Why would any loving human do that? That's how I been feeling about God and seemingly unanswered prayers. It's been awhile too but I'm really starting to realize it now.
I haven't given up.... yet.
As far as why, I guess I still accept that there has to be a greater being out there. And it is what I have been taught.
Yes, to the universe. When i feel overwhelmed or need to calm myself inside i will take a nature walk and just want to connect with all the beauty all around, and want to just feel love and a closeness to all that is warm and peaceful in this universe. I don't believe in the 'God' i once did, but i like to believe that there is another dimension, realm, something or someone(s) supernatural that we cant completely understand. Sometimes amazing coincidences happen and i wonder if there is a meaning to it. It feels good, though to not pray anymore to the 'God' that was created by the witnesses
There is a saying that "prayer is asking, and meditation is listening", which kinda puts a limit on what you can pray for...
Phil 4: 4 p Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. q The Lord is at hand; 6 r do not be anxious about anything, s but in everything by prayer and supplication t with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And u the peace of God, v which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Yep I do...cos it would be unreasonable to blame him for what men in the WTBS have done ...he didnt tell me to follow them it was me who chose to be that stupid...
Loz x