Even the White House is saying they're going to go to court to overturn the law.
As a nation, we have a right to autonomy. Autonomy includes enforcing geographic restrictions, which in turn includes who gets to come in our "house."
Illegal immigrants are "trespassing" on our national "premises."
While "trespassing", a significant fraction of them "raid our fridge" and consume other resources--through social entitlement programs funded by legal residents--taxpayers.
Additionally, illegal immigrants compete with legal residents for jobs. This drives down wages, especially for the bottom end of the economic ladder.
With real unemployment near 20%, this is a very bad thing!
Legal immigrants, of course, are here with our permission. Many of them have spent large amounts of money and waited for years for the privilege to live in the US. Illegal immigrants go to the head of the line, and cut in. Amnesty rewards this bad behavior and encourages it in the future.
From what I understand, the AZ law forbids profiling based on race alone.
It merely empowers Arizona law enforcement to, you know, enforce the law!
I don't see what legitimate legal objection Obama has.
Maybe someone could enlighten me?