Most people who are not JW's live with out moral restrain! All who have left the "Truth" regret it. June 15th WT

by life is to short 74 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • babygirl30

    Either this girl in the WT story didn't have the smarts to spend $5 on some freakin birth control, or she had absolutely NO damn common sense! I mean - come on...pregnant AND an abortion? Give me a break! The thing that bothers me most about stories like that in the mags is that they 'demonize' any life outside of the org! Making it seem like EVERY person that walks away is going to be miserable, get knocked up, get AIDS/Hepatitis and Cancer, smoke crack and drink alcohol till vodka sweats out their pores, and nobody is going to love them.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Sir82, you make an interesting point about the word "some" there. I don't wish to read too much into it but there is a hope, a possibility, that there is a "conscious class" person in the writing department.

  • DaCheech

    she killed her unborn child.

    let me see what they left out: "my parents threw me out of the home and told me not to ever speak to them again"

    what else was left out: "parents called me the devils child"

  • serenitynow!

    That's funny, because all of my years IN the "christian congregation" left ugly emotional scars that will never go away. How do they explain that?

  • Robert7

    dgp, with the case in Montreal I still would hold that most people are decent even without the law enforcement. There is a very small percentage of the population who seize a moment to steal, rob, and loot. We have to remember that 99.999% of the people did NOT steal rob and loot.

  • dgp

    Robert 7,

    I still would hold that most people are decent even without the law enforcement. There is a very small percentage of the population who seize a moment to steal, rob, and loot. We have to remember that 99.999% of the people did NOT steal rob and loot.

    I would take it, then, that the 0.001% that did loot consisted of atheists only? of course not. The point here is whether people can stick to moral values even if "no one" polices them. The answer is yes. Which means religion is not necessary for a person to have morals.

  • agonus

    Get out your WT CD-ROM and do a search for "propaganda"...

  • babygirl30

    This kind of teaching reminds me of that movie The Village - where the people were 'scared' repeatedly NOT to leave the 'village' otherwise the NOTHINGS would get them...

    Village Stills

  • flipper

    LIFE IS TOO SHORT- Wow ! Great thread ! You are on a roll ! Keep the good writing up ! This thread is great like your other one on "generation" .

    It was interesting after the WT society quoted the young lady Tanya about being " miserable " after having her unwanted pregnancy and abortion - notice the first sentence the WT society put in the NEXT paragraph : " Just think what would become of YOU if you were to abandon the protective environment of the Christian congregation. Many........ simply shudder at the thought . " This infers that ANYONE, especially young women who leave the JW cult WILL become immoral and WILL have unwanted pregnancies and WILL have abortions. It's ALL FEAR INDUCING BS !

    Exactly what Steve Hassan says mind control cults do best ! In his book Releasing the Bonds Hassan states on pg. 241 , " Programmed phobias can be so strong that cult members cannot imagine themselves happy, safe, and fulfilled outside of the group. They can generate only negative images of life outside of the cult. When they think of leaving the group, they imagine themselves being destroyed, along with all other nonbelievers, by the fiery judgement of Armageddon . " Hassan continues and says, " Cult leaders often use stories about defectors to reinforce phobias : " Do you remember Alice M. ? She left the group last month, and we just got word that she hung herself. See what happens when you leave the protection of the Almighty ? "

    The use of manipulation by fear tactics is a trick the WT society pulls on it's members to control them to not leave the cult. Hassan confirms this on pg. 244, " Once these phobias are in place, the cult member becomes a dependent personality , filled with a sense of helplessness and hopelessness about escaping the group. Cult leaders want their members to be filled with such fear and self-doubt. They want to cultivate low self-esteem and manipulate members to work harder for praise and promotion. "

    So there it is in a nutshell what the WT societies motive is. Pretty evil I'd say

  • OnTheWayOut

    So there you have it those of us who do not believe anymore are just screwed up and very unhappy in life. We are out sleeping with everyone and just living a totally horrible life.

    My wife completely trusts me, we have no jealousy. But she is trying to determine where I am slipping. A conversation about science led her to question me with "So do you believe in evolution now?" It wasn't just a question like you would ask a coworker. It was loaded with a raised eyebrow and the intent to see how I have slipped.

    I started a discussion about Tiger Woods and all she heard (but it wasn't what I said) was that I was defending cheating. Not the point at all, but she was doing the same determining how and where my standards have slipped.

    What gets me is that besides the JW stuff, she knows that I am the same person and completely trusts me and my judgements and my intelligence. It's like everything is fine with me except that little tiny obstacle that I have let Satan the Devil get to me.

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