The only reason most of us are here is......

by Quillsky 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • bluecanary

    I think quillsky means that most of us are still hung up on the JWs because we've been affected by the disfellowshipping policy; either we're being shunned by family or afraid to be shunned and hence stuch in the b0rg.

  • restrangled

    Ya know what's fun?

    We all came from the same background, ....that's the underlying common denominator.

    Then we connect on political, artistic, religious, and various other values.....the abslolute fun of JWN>


  • freeflyingfaerie

    I'm here for therapuetic purposes. With the posts i've been reading, it feels like this is a bringing together of so many people who have pulled themselves out of the religious trap set by jehovah's witnesses. It hurts, it hurts bad, and this is a good place to feel a sense of belonging or understanding. That's what im beginning to realize

  • mindmelda

    I thought there was going to be cake.

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    I heard there was an open bar

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Nope Quillsky - I'm here because I love to read the words of those who are going through what I'm going through. I love getting advice from those who have walked a mile in my shoes and can teach me how to live post JWhood. Me and my husband were not df'd. We made the well thought out decision to get the hell out of the religion that had stolen the first 36 years of our life.

    I think you may be getting around to the fact that most of us are here for the association. It was an absolute relief to find others who had been through what we had gone through..... well maybe I'm putting words in your

    Beautiful words peaches. I think the therapy is awesome too freeflyingfaerie. Couldn't pay for this much support in a million years.

    Cult Classic

  • ldrnomo

    Even though many of us have made new friends, this forum and others like it offer us a place to communicate our situation and talk to others about theirs. Those that we've met since we've left the cult do not fully understand what we have or are going through. The reason I'm here is for the support I get and am able to give to others who have escaped.


  • jaguarbass

    I've never been dissfelloshiped. My witness family still talks to me.

    But the fear of being dissfellowshiped did cause me to behave and make choices that

    I still regret 30 years latter.

    Turning down a good job with a retirement and not going to college.

  • gubberningbody

    I DF'ed them. I still have the keys to the kh and the congregation files.

    Not that I'll ever use them, but when I asked them if they wanted the keys back they said no. (of course they forgot about the fact that I had the keys to the files)

  • mindmelda

    NO DFing necessary here...I snuck out the back door before they could fire me.

    Still sneaking. If it weren't for my parents, who are old and don't need me to get DF'd, I'd be screaming from the rooftops and actually, I'm not exactly quiet about what shit the WTS is out of their hearing.

    I just happen to live 1800 miles from anyone who knew me as a Witness years ago now, so it doesn't matter. I don't identify, I don't even know any JWs here except my husband's uncle and aunt, who are rather inactive themselves and seem to ignore our un Witness-y behavior.

    I think the poor guy had a belly ful when HE was DF'd a few years ago and even though he was reinstated, he acts like he could care less about it now. I think we may have another potential fader in the family, thank goodness.

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