Is this secret code for 'have an affair with me' ?

by tec 48 Replies latest social relationships

  • serenitynow!

    I thought maybe he had an involuntary tic with all the winking. The other stuff seems like he is coming on to you, in a weird way though. I'd ask him what his deal is.

  • tec

    Thanks everybody.

    JWoods - I agree. I don't get it. He looks like he's in his forties, and I'm in my thirties. So what's with the cloak and dagger - unless he's married and knows that I am as well?

    Cult Classic - I don't know if he's single or not. I do know that I am not. Been married for twelve years; so definitely not interested or available. And he doesn't seem to talk to any of the other moms.

    Finally-Free - It doesn't turn chicks on; at least not this one.

    Think About It/ B-rock - That's so sad. ;-)

    Y-Knot - I'm not interested. And I probably will just let it slide, unless something else happens. Though if he ever got up the courage to ask me openly, then I could respond openly.

    OTWO - Thanks. Good advice keeps things in perspective. I probably won't mention the card at all, but if he mentions it, I'll be all innocent "oh, me and my husband don't need home reno's; thanks."

    Mad - You made me LMAO

    Hope I didn't forget anybody.

    Thanks again for keeping this humorous and not so creepy.


  • tec

    I thought maybe he had an involuntary tic with all the winking. - Serenitynow

    Funny. Thanks. I'm not really a confrontational person, when things are uncertain. Unless I'm backed into a corner, that is.

    Nelly - I get that feeling, but I'm trying to keep it from actually becoming weird and slimy.

  • JWoods
    Thanks again for keeping this humorous and not so creepy.

    Well, best to keep it that way. But to be honest, I for one think it is very creepy.

    If I were you, I would not be caught dead around this person without other people present.

  • VoidEater

    Sounds to me like he is trying to hit on you. He's just not very sophisticated about it.

    It may be that this works for him. We tend to stick with what works.

    Trust your intuition (Terry's agenda can take a hike).

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Glad I could make you laugh. This could indeed get creepy, and I echo JWoods advice to never allow yourself to be alone with this guy. He may be ok but he may also be a lunatic. You're married and happily so, therefore there's no need to ever get close to this guy. You may want to run his name through the sex crime database just in case, though.

    This reminds me of one I forgot on my list:

    I was able to make her laugh = Cars, elevators, restrooms? She's down for it anywhere, even the Janitor closet here at the kids' school!

  • bluesapphire

    It probably is some kind of attempt - but I can honestly tell you it sounds like one of the dumbest ones I have ever heard.

    hahahahaha! This thread is really funny to me right now. And where did you people all get those wierd looking avatars?

  • Terry

    I think Tammy should trust her into-it (shin)

  • nugget

    Trust your instincts. His behaviour is different to normal playground interactions and the face that he has passed you his business card is a little lacking in class.

    If possible ask your husband to come with you to pick the children up from school a couple of times and make a show of togetherness. He should get the message that you aren't interested in anyone else.


    If your interested in a Wierd-O..

    This guy is giving you his best "Would you like to go out with a Wierd-O?" signal..

    It`s kinda like the Bat Signal..

    Tonight..Look into the Sky,for a Lit up "W"..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

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