A New Life on the Horizon!
From the Fall of Adam in the Garden of Eden, Mankind has suffered untold miseries. Rivers of tears have flowed, at losing loved ones in death, brought upon us by the first Man's disodience. How many from Adam's time until now that have filled the common Grave of Dead Mankind, is incalculable. No one but Jehovah would even know the number of dead, because of Adam's Sin. Sin that has brought upon Mankind, a number of diseases, that in themselves are too numerous to calculate. Factor in with all of that, the number slaughtered in the Wars of the entire history of this World, with it's resulting famine, and satarvation and death due to that. One article I read at one time while researching this subject, I learned some Five Billion have been killed in the Wars of the History of this World. That was Ten years ago, so what is that number now? Not to forget, the Earthquakes, Fires and Floods, with Storms of every nature, taking an untold toll there as well. Did I say rivers of tears? Try more like Oceans of tears have been cried, by suffering human beings, who themselves never deserved what they were forced to live through. More accurately, die through.
The bottom line is, something is drasticlly wrong on Planet Earth, and desperately needs setting straight. We all know, for every effect, there has to be a cause. Obviously, the cause behind all of these terrible conditions, must be identified and removed; otherwise the conditions we suffer through on a daily basis will always remain a constant fact of life, and living through all of that, could not be called life. At best, abject misery!
One might believe this cause, is difficult to identify, but to the contrary, it`s really very easy to zero in on this cause, and learn just how his removal will be accomplshed. No one can learn the exact date this will occurr, but simply knowing it will, should be sufficient to give us all a hope for a much better future.
Of course many already know who this one that needs removing is; it is the, Òriginal Serpent, the one called devil and satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth... Revelation 12:9 ... beginning with Eve in the garden of Eden.
satan had caused the Woman Eve to violate a clear command of Jehovah not to touch the Tree of the knowledge of good and bad, for in the day they touched that Tree, they would die. So they both knew they would die was they to touch that Tree, but went ahead and ate of the fruit without thought for Jehovah's Command, not to touch it, bringing the sentence of death on both of them. As well, passing on that sin and dying condition now, on to all mankind. {Genesis 2:16,17;3:1-7} {Romans 5:12}
So satan had started the Wheel of death spinning, and it's been spinning ever since that first sin, in the Garden of Eden. That is when the River of tears, that would turn into an Ocean of tears, began flowing, with pain suffering death and deseases, as the Waves. Now, rather than happiness, laughter, and Joy, misery mourning sadness and great pain would follow all down through the Centuries. All, as a result of two disobedient Humans, following the lie told by satan. "You will not surely Die." But Die they did! Die, we do now, because they did, and passed it down on to all of us.
One Major event that had to be set straight, was the confusing of the many languages on the plains of Shiner, when they were bulding a Tower into the Heavens. Jehovah did not want them to accomplish the building of that Tower, because they were told to spread throughout the earth. At that time there was only one language, one set of words, but not wanting that Tower built Jehovah at that time confused the language, so now they could no longer work together on that Tower. That caused them to disperse through the earth, as Jehovah had intended. Only now they could not understand one and other. So their progress was severely hampered by their inability to understand one another which is what Jehovah wanted. Because there wasn't anything they couldn't do if they had set their minds to it. While all speaking the one Language. So, that has been a serious drawback for Mankind; not being able to understand the language of each other. True! Some today have mastered many languages, but the average person today will probably speak only his own language, so are unable to intelligently communicate with others of different races. In many ways this presents a serious drawback, and at some point must be dealt with, and that condition must be changed. {Genesis 11:1-8}
It was on the Plains of ancient Shinar in Babylon where all the divided Political Governments we see on earth first began, as well as the conglomeration of divided religions that are in existence, as well. John in the Revelation account likened them all as a Woman sitting on the Back of a Scarlet Colored Wild Beast with seven Heads and Ten Horns, that pictured the run of the World Powers from Egypt right down to the British American World Powers of Today. This Woman John described as Babylon the Great the Mother of the Harlots, and of the disgusting things of the earth. Drunk with the Blood of the Holy Ones and with the Blood of the witnesses of Jesus. Then he tells us, those who inhabit the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication. So, she is a Religious Institution, at odds with the true followers of the Christ, who by her religious teachings, intoxicates her followers. They are spiritual drunkards, who because of their spiritial drunkeness, persecute the true followers of Jesus, and kill them, as they killed the Christ. So, she has been in existence for many Centuries riding on the Back of that Beast. {Revelation 17:1-11}
So, there's a Religious mess that must be cleaned out, as well as a Political one; all though very much, divided. As Foretold they would be. {Daniel 2:41-43} Combined they make life for the people of this earth, for some, a living nightmare. A Literal Hell on earth. Their Political Ideologies keep them divided and their many varied Relgious Views keep them divided, as a result they are not able to get along with each other, and for Centuries have been at each others throats, fighting viscious Wars; in many cases in the name of God. Bringing great reproach shame and disgrace on his Holy Name. While professing to being Christian's.
The Apostle Paul explains the main reason behind this terrible disorderly condition by telling us that satan is the god of this World, held tightly in his Power, blinding, and misleading, the entire inhabited earth. {2 Corinthians 4:3,4} {1 John5:19} {Revelation 12:9}
At the Battle of Aramageddon; the War of the great Day Of God The Almighty, fought by the Christ, this entire mess will disappear in smoke and fire. Then the repair work will begin:
As you may be standing there a survivor of Armageddon looking back at the destruction, will you stand there feeling deep regret over what has taken place, or will you be filled with joy at what you know is ahead of you now? When suddenly you realise, a brand new earth is just ahead of you, with life with no end in store for you? With Health and strength that you never dreamed possible one could ever obtain. When you know, now there are no more deseases to contend with. Jehovah has put the brakes to the wheel of death you've known for so long is now gone forever. When soon dead loved ones are back in your arms, with tears of joy streaming down their faces, as they hold you close to them. That Parents who have lost their young Children to death are suddely confronted with a Lost Child who is now standing right in front of them grinning from ear to ear: "Hi Mom! Hi Dad!" And they are too busy doing cart-wheels to make a reply right away. When you know now, that when everyone sits down at mealtime, everyone is being fed, no one is doing without, there's plenty for all. When no one is crippled or lame, or blind, or suffering any illnesses at all. Best of all, there's no elderly people; no need of Wheel-Chair's Walker's or Cane's, when everyone is young again. Laughing and Happy!
What would Jehovah require of the survivors of Armageddon to do? There will be plenty of good work to do now. But there's others there of another race or language who you don't understand, who don't understand; you so it would present a problem in getting all the work done, because there's a language barrier. Wouldn't Jehovah have to do the following:
Now it was against Jehovah's Will for those who were building that Tower in the Heavens wasn't it? Because of that he moved to confuse their language, so they couldn't work together to accomplish what they wanted to do, didn't he? But now we have a much different scenario; Jehovah will need us all to be able to understand each other, to accomplsh something he really wants to be done. My guess would be, he would move just as quickly, to restore everyone to one language as existed in the beginning, so that everyone could work together in unison in this instance.
"For then I will restore to the peoples a pure language,
That they all may call on the name of the LORD,
To serve Him with one accord."{Zephabniah 3:9 NKJV}
Now all returned to the one language what other blessings may we look forward to? No longer any divisions caused by Language barriers.
8 "At that time those who can't hear will hear what is read from the scroll. Those who are blind will come out of gloom and darkness. They will be able to see." {Isaiah 29:18 NIRV}
Now we all have the one language that everyone can hear, and the Blind will be able to read any written documents.
Those of us who have good hearing and vision, might not get the full impact of regaining hearing and sight, but as for those who are deaf and Blind their joy will be unspeakable; ours will come from just watching them experience theirs.
So, thus far we have three promises, that will be fulfilled wihout any doubt. A change to a pure language where this entire World will be united in thought pupose and ativity. No more will there be any Deaf or Blind suffering those experiences. Things are looking pretty good up to this point aren't they? Let's go in and look for any more blessings we might just experience under the Kingdom of God. How about this matter of Famine and starvation? What promise is there about that?
7 "May all the godly flourish during his reign.
May there be abundant prosperity until the moon is no more."{Psalm 72:7 NLT}
16 "May there be abundant grain throughout the land,
flourishing even on the hilltops.
May the fruit trees flourish like the trees of Lebanon,
and may the people thrive like grass in a field."{Pdalm 72:16 NLT}
I would say, that takes care of anymore worries about famine, or starvation in the earth. Let's look for more blessings:
Double reasons for the Blind and the deaf to be happy.
5 "And when he comes, he will open the eyes of the blind
and unplug the ears of the deaf.: {Isaiah 35:5;42:7NLT}
24"'And no inhabitant will say, "I am sick";
the people who dwell there will be forgiven their iniquity."{isaiah 33:24 ESV}
We have now promises now for an united earth, speaking one pure language of truth, with an abundance of food, and no famine or starvation, a healing for the deaf and the blind, with no one at all complaining about being ill. Best of all! The following:
"He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away."{Revelation 21:4 ESV}
26"The last enemy to be destroyed is death."{1 Corinthians 15:26 ASV}
"And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books according to what they had done. 13And the sea gave up the dead who were in it Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them, and they were judged, each one of them, according to what they had done. Then Death and Hades {The Grave} were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire."{Revelation 20: 12-14 ESV}
Now Adamic Death comes to an end, being as death and hades {the grave} are thrown into the lake of fire and forever done away with.
All of this would appear to be the impossible dream, wouldn't it? The real truth of the matter, is, it's an absolute realtity, no dream at all. Certainly never impossible, for nothing is impossible for Jehovah God. {Luke 18:27} {Mark 10:27}
What effect will all of this have on the people of this World when it's all finally realised? On the World itself? Isaiah will tell us that:
"Now all the world is at peace; its people are celebrating with joyful songs."{Isaiah 14:7 CEV}
This is something that satan never wanted for Mankind; a World at Complete Peace, with happy joyous people living on it forever.
Those conditions will exist because now, the entire World of Makind is obedient to the one who planted the Garden of Eden, whose full intention and purpose at that time, was to fill the earth, with happy joyous Humans all in subjection and obedient to him. Living forever on a Paradise earth, such as was the Garden of Eden. We will now have the opportunity to carry out the Command Jehovah issued to the pair in the Garden. "Be fruitful become many and fill the earth." With his blessing on that command. {Genesis 1:28}
What about, though, the one that has caused Mankind such misery for so many Centuries? Picture in your mind, {but hope it never occurrs} receiving a prison sentence, of, say, two life sentences back to back to run consecutive. Imagine the mental anguish and torment such a prison sentence would cause you? What occurrs in the case of satan is much worse than that; for he will be chained and Abyssed for an entire Thousand year period, rendered powerless to do anything, but remain confined. So, for all the misery he's caused, he himself will now get a lesson in misery, and will learn first hand, what misery is all about; and well deserved. Pardon the pun, but that expression: "What goes around, comes around," fits very nicely here doesn't it, and proves the truth of it? {Revelation 20:1-3} The sad truth, is, though, he's going to be running loose again at the end of the Thousand year period, at which time he once again misleads a great crowd of unfaithful ones, at which time they all are destroyed, and Genesis 3:15 is finally fulfilled to completion when the Christ throws satan into the lake of Fire; forever destroying him. {Revelation 20:7-10}
This act of the Christ of bruising satan in the head will fulfill to completion Jehovah's words to satan in the garden of Eden, and brings the words of Paul now cited, to final fulfillment, when everything has been returned to it's natural order:
24"Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. 25 or he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. 26The last enemy to be destroyed is death. 27 For he "has put everything under his feet." Now when it says that "everything" has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself, who put everything under Christ. 28 When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all."{1 Corinthians 15:24-28 NIV}
It all began with the words of Jehovah at Genesis 3:15, it all ends with the final fulfillment of those words, as we see the Christ has done. Has yet to do, at the end of his thousand year reign.
We look forward to now the beginning of the Thousand year reign, a time of Unbounded Joy, Peace, and Plenty, The prize of everlasting life for all humanity. Let no one rob you of that prize! Make any sacrifice you must make, because there's nothing of any value in this devil ruled World, worth giving up that prize for. Absolutely nothing! Jehovah wants us to have that prize! Jesus wants us to have that prize. So much so, he died, so we could have it. I want to have that prize! I want all of you to want to have that prize. More! I want to see us all get that prize. Wouldn't I, knowing what I know, be the most selfish man in the World, was I to remain silent, and not, at least try to share my knowledge, in an effort to aid others to gain the prize of life, now on the horizon? Wannabe