A New Life On The Horizon!

by wannabe 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mary
    You can be very thankful he did do that; for had he not to have done that when he did, by now all that would be left of this World would be a massive hole in the ground,

    I'll probably regret asking this, but what exactly are you basing this ridiculous assumption on?

  • wannabe

    Broken Promises!

    A Baby is on its way. John's Revelation refers to this Baby as the Man Child. This Man Child is the King of God's Kingdom! You remember the Baby that was to wipe this demon ruled World out of existence, at Armageddon? You remember that Baby don't you, my man? If you do not, that memory will come into sharp focus, when this Baby you poke fun at wipes you from the face of the earth. Will you think its all a big joke then? My money says you are not going to be laughing to loud at that time. Neither will any of you scoffers. It will be weeping and wailing will be the order of the day then. So you'd all best get in all the laughing you can, while you can. {Revelation 12:1-17;16:13-16} You just may not be laughing for too much longer. {Revelation 1:7 Matthew 24:30} Wannabe

  • ldrnomo
    what exactly are you basing this ridiculous assumption on?


    Do you know something no one else does? Do you know what the outcome of the world of mankind would have been if the so called babbling thing would not have happened? Are you inferring that man would have destroyed themselves if they had all spoke the same language?

    Communication brings people together, it unites them if somebody were to disrupt communication throughout the world today, they would be considered a terrorist. When people are divided they become afraid of one another. They can't greet each other so they fight each other.

    So what if people were building a tower. How high could it have been? Why would the big guy in the sky even care? Do you think he was afraid they would get to where he was? I personally think that would have been easier to do with some magic beans and a giant been stalk.


  • metatron

    Oh my God! You actually use the phrase "broken promises"? You have that much sheer gall?

    The Watchtower Society has been pumping out broken promises and lies for 130 years. How much more evidence of rank falsehood is needed? They tell people Armageddon is Soon and then collect their money and the world goes on and ignores them.

    Here's the emerging reality for you fantasy driven Witlesses: Human science, yes, those 'puny humans' are going to 'make the blind see and the lame walk'. It is THEY who are going to create wonderful miracles while empty, lying Watchtower promises go unfulfilled.


  • chickpea

    teal deer


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