I can't spell sew sue me :p

by highdose 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • highdose

    Ok its time for me to come out and say that i just can't spell!

    Never have been able to, its just something i can't do. Some people can't whistle, sing or make lump free gravy... i can't spell. I am dislexic and long ago gave up worrying about not being able to spell and instead concentrated on getting the idea accross instead.

    I managed to get through collage and uni without being able to spell and now am a sucessfull business woman who misspells her emails to clients ( mind you they mispell their replys)

    This inabilty has yet to prevent me doing anything in my life. I have indeed worked with Dr's who have IQ's of about 600 who can't spell and whats more couldn't write egibily either!

    Sorry for all you perdantic people on here, whom my bad spelling anoys, theres nothing i'm willing to do about it, your'll just have to live with it!

    I mean come on! Britian is facing a hung parliment, the US has a sea of oil heading its way and Greece is bankrupt... i mean what does a few spelling mistakes really matter??

    Lots of Love Highdose XXX

  • teel

    Doesn't matter to me girl, I'm not even english, so I won't notice

    Taking advantage of your post to say not everyone on this site has english as native language, so one more reason not to judge people on spelling.

    Oh and highdose, there are spell checkers too, I mean for business purposes, where it counts a tiny bit more than on a public forum.

  • Leolaia
    i mean what does a few spelling mistakes really matter??

    15 by my count.

    We all have our own issues. I have trouble with managing conversation, especially in a room with chattering people, it is really hard to follow conversations in that situation. I'm strong in the written mode, and have learned to spell well, but I am much weaker with spoken language. Other people are stronger with spoken language, who are talented eloquent conversationalists, but whose writing is not perfect. Most are probably in between. As long as we understand each other, that's the important thing.

  • highdose

    yeah but i've always found spell checkers to be such boring people rather like accountants, or those people who mentaly add up their bill as they walk round the shop and then get a kick at the check out when theyv'e got it right! Or even worse insist on standing there for half an hour holding everyone up as they work out whose caluations were wrong!

    And don't get me started on the people who love to explain for several hours the difference between the 3C x 3000 model computer and the G7 x 6000 computer and why one is better than the other...

    ...i switched off sometime ago...

  • cantleave

    I too am dyslexic. my son has Aspergers. I'm quite good at spoken English but useless at written.

    My son spoken skills are weak (he didn't speak until well past his 4th BD), and compensates for this by talking VERY LOUDLY at you, constantly and all the time. I find this very distracting and annoying when I am trying to write or even think. Poor sod is always being told to "shut up" by me which results in tears.

    Sorry slightly off topic.

  • zombie dub
    zombie dub
    I have indeed worked with Dr's who have IQ's of about 600

    wow that must be a record IQ! I think Einstein was around 160 and Newton 190

  • awildflower

    That's ok Highdose! The other day I was writing a friend and telling them how much I like chocolate "mouse". That's right, I spelled "mouse" instead of "mousse". I wrote, "If mouse is on the menu, I always get that". We laughed about it. Pretty funny

  • StoneWall

    Doesn't this go beyond a spelling mistake and into using a totally different word with a different meaning?

    I can't spell sew sue me :p

    Shouldn't that be "I can't spell so sue me :p" ?

    A simple misspelling of "so" such as "os" by being dyslexic is not hard to comprehend, but substituting the word "sew"

    for "so" is not even in the same ball park.

    I'm just teasing with you highdose.

    Keep those post rolling!

  • highdose

    "I can't spell sew sue me :p"

    surry i mint that tongue in cheak

  • Heaven

    highdose... here at work, we have a very diverse group of people. Many of us have had to learn 'Chinglish' as well as a variety of other versions of English. It's quite fun actually, so it's become second nature to me to just insert the right word where people make an error in pronunciation or spelling. Once in a while, we are totally stumped though. Then it gets real interesting.

    One example: my Chinese colleague pronounces oven as 'oh-van'. Took us a few seconds to get what she was sayin'.

    My Muslim colleague is a 'low talker'. One of the guys says he 'mumbles'. Many times we have to ask him to repeat what he is saying. He jokes about it being his accent. I tell him it's not his accent, it's his volume -- speak up man!

    All these differences make for fun and frivolity in our environment. I think that's the way it should be.

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