I am moving

by mouthy 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe

    Uh, Mouthy, did you find a boyfriend to move in with? tee, heh, heh

  • LittleSister

    Great news I hope you will be much happier in your new home.

  • recovering


    mouthy is gonna send you to your room lol

  • mouthy

    Wow I went out for the afternoon & came back to all your wonderful comments Thank you all

    It is a granny house built on to a home. $700.00 a month.Heated!(Moshe I would like a man to keep me warm,but my age is agin me)
    I was surprised when I told them I was leaving many of the workers came to tell me they were sorry to see me go,As I had spoken to so many.One man in here was a Fire Cheif & was evidently in a very bad fire & doesnt speak....But he spoke to me!!!!!!! Only hello & how are you... He walked in front of me at one point so I Kiddingly said "Shall we dance" He laughed...
    Had a fight with the head nurse....( Oh you knew I would do that ) She yelled at a very nice worker who brought me a couple of clementines
    "Mary You are not allowed to do that,it is against the rules" I said" God your like Nurse hatchet in "One Flew Over The Cukoo Nest "
    She was so rude to the poor girll Who was trying to be kind.... Well she followed me along to my room & in a loud voice yelled at me "WE HAVE TO ABIDE BY THE RULES MARY IS WRONG!!!!!Well you all know by now I dont take kindly to "BOSSES" & I said " How dare you talk to me like this I pay $ 2,400.oo A month & even though you think I am an imbecile ,you must still treat me with respect.I see they are advertising in the paper for a nurse for this home I just hope it is to replace you"

    She laughed loudly said "GOOD LUCK GIRL I aint leaving!"So I reported her to the administration !!!!! Guess what??? So many of the workers have come to thank me they were afraid of her. They all say she is a BITCH!!!! Well she met her match!!!!So I figuered better move dont want to end up murdering her LOL Sorry to make it my lifes story ...Mouthy I am & Mouthy I will remain...

  • tec

    Mouthy, I love your story!

    And I'm so glad you're moving to a better place, one that suits YOU.

    You didn't sound happy at this one.


  • BabaYaga

    Amazing Grace! I LOVE your story... I'm so glad Nurse Hatchet met her match, but I'm far, far happier that you are getting out of there.

  • mouthy

    ME TOO!!!!(((((HUGS ALL))))

  • moshe

    Sounds like a better place, Grace.- your own space is the best.

    Our new home in Florida has a mother-in-law addition- two rooms w/bath that out 5th grade daughter has taken over. We tell her that in 25 years we will move into the grandpa and bubbe (yiddish for grandma) quarters so she can take care of us- hopefully her husband likes kvetching old Jewish inlaws who push the buzzer for help 10x a day

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Good on you Grace. I'm pleased to hear you are moving. It looks like a nice area.



  • Jim_TX

    Good to hear from you Grace. I miss your postings.

    So is that also your new address that we should write down - and use to send you the postcards and other mail?


    Jim TX

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