Top Ten Signs You're a Fundamentalist Atheist

by BurnTheShips 61 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • SixofNine


    1. You vigorously deny the existence of God, yet you frequently blame him for all the "evils" in the world, all the natural disasters, and everything else under the sun that is wrong in modern society.

    .... the top sign that someone isn't really an atheist at all, "fundamentalist" or otherwise?

  • undercover
    Why do you feel that you have to defend yourself, Psychotic Parrot?

    Fair enough question. I read the list and thought about replying to some of your personal assertions but realized that I don't need to justify myself to anyone and moved on.

    But if that question is fair, then so is this one: why did you feel the need to create a top ten list for fundie athiests...

    which is an obvious defense (ad hominem as it is) against the fundie christian top ten list thread.

    PP's defense was to reply to each of your statements about athiests while your defense to the fundie thread was to attack athiests...

  • PSacramento
    It's reasonable to suppose that we are the apex right now for lack of evidence for anything better.

    That's a tough one because we see mix messages.

    One one hand we have this:

    and on the other we have this:

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    Those people are all beautiful in their own ways

  • PSacramento
    Those people are all beautiful in their own ways


    LOL !

  • B-Rock

    No, I do not need to defend myself. None of your bullet points applies to me. I don't hate Christians. You merely amuse me.

    I only get pissed off when Christians want to use the law to force me into their mold. That's authoritarian. We've got a secular goverment for very good reasons. In this, the social cons are as bad as the liberals.

    Live and let live. Or live and let die, as the case may be.

    Some of the things atheists say are used as didactic devices, it doesn't mean we actually believe them. I'll admit, atheists are people too, just a little more evolved ;-). Some are nasty, some are nice, but we aren't all hateful.

    OK, when Christians won't believe whats in front of their eyes is irksome too. "God made the universe to look old!" Lulz.

    Yes, it isn't fair to say the same thing regarding Christians all being hateful.

    I save my bile for libs. Now there's a bunch with unprobable beliefs!

    OK. Supergirl has convinced me. I am going to church next Sunday.

  • leavingwt

    PSac -- FTW, with Lucy Pinder photo. America surrenders.

  • notverylikely

    One one hand we have this:

    You know what? Sometimes I f'ing hate you, man.

  • snowbird

    Tee hee hee.

    You guys are a hot mess!


  • inkling
    1. You vigorously deny the existence of God, yet you frequently blame him for all the "evils" in the world, all the natural disasters, and everything else under the sun that is wrong in modern society.

    Could you perhaps offer an example of an atheist who "blames god" for natural disasters or the evil the the world?
    This statement seems rather incoherent to me...

    If an "atheist" is blaming god for anything, he's not much of an atheist now is he?


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