Top Ten Signs You're a Fundamentalist Atheist

by BurnTheShips 61 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Paralipomenon

    8. You think atheists are treated like second-class citizens. Then you spend most of your day belittling Christians and other religious people on JWN.

    This one struck a funny chord with me when you consider the title and content of the message it was contained in.

    ~ Para: A happy agnostic.

  • notverylikely

    I would say that's very likely.

    So what is it then, or don't you know?

  • Twitch

    I read the list and thought about replying to some of your personal assertions but realized that I don't need to justify myself to anyone and moved on.


    Amusing list tho, just as much as the other.

    Life is funny when you don't take it too seriously,....;)

  • Damocles

    Fundamentalist Atheist. Hmm. Two words I wouldn't ordinarily put together. I'm getting sweaty palms thinking about Sister Rosario with the ruler demanding that I diagram that phrase. What's the object? What's the adjective? Two ists. I'm in trouble now, hold out the palms for the smack of the ruler.

    I don't know about god and don't really care. Are you atheist if you don't give a shit? Are you a fundamental atheist if the shit you don't give is fundamental? How exactly would that work? And is it painful?

    I do know that the imaginary friend JWs call Jehovah is a figment. I do know the dude described in the Bible can't be anything but the result of someone's imagination. I'm sure that Sister Rosario's god was both a figment and a fiend. I do know that all the supposed gods of the few religions I have investigated are imaginary.

    Beyond that I don't know anything.

    Basically, I don't like ists or isms. Be they for or against god.

    So why did I stay a dumb dub for so long?


  • mindmelda

    The list, which is hilarious, by the way, simply points out that humans all have similar thought processes. What I like to call "magical thinking" is just part of being human. We tend to look for connections and causality with little proof other than coincidence to explain the inexplicable. We also choose whatever side of any issue is the most convenient for us...also a very human thing to do.

    That's not strictly honest, but I don't believe humans are capable of 100% honesty... it's simply not very convenient for most of us, although most lying takes place on the social hypocrisy level and is simply social lubrication. I mean, you don't really tell your mother in law that her new shorts make her ass look like two bulldogs fighting in a sack, do you?

    One thing I've learned in 35 years of discussions with Atheists is that like everyone else, no two really think alike. I find that terribly reassuring after the forced conformity of thought (which is artificial and doesn't really exist except in their minds anyway) of the Borg.

    I've gotten to the point in life where I really don't give a good crap whether someone believes in God or not, because it truly makes no difference except in one way...that it makes a difference to the person themselves. That's it. If they don't feel comfortable with what conclusions they've come to in their own mind, they're just pretty unhappy campers and that makes anyone a bitch to be around.

  • Damocles





    B-Rock: I only get pissed off when Christians want to use the law to force me into their mold. That's authoritarian.

    However, no atheist has ever had the temerity to do this to Christians, have they?

    Madeline Murray-O'Hair or Michael Newdow anyone?

  • notverylikely

    However, no atheist has ever had the temerity to do this to Christians, have they?

    Madeline Murray-O'Hair or Michael Newdow anyone?

    Nope. You are confusing the ABSENCE of religion in law and government with forcing a belief system on someone.

  • PSacramento

    Jeez and I though Fundamentalist christians had no sense of humour.

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    Jeez and I though Fundamentalist christians had no sense of humour.

    No, it isn't just the fundamentalists.

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