Training us better to talk to people at the doors.

by life is to short 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Thanks CHG

    I was starting to think this was a stupid thread and that these creepy things only happened to me. There just are so many mentally ill JW's. We moved to the hall that I am fading from seven years ago. There was this mentally ill brother there who the elders used to help put the magazines away when they came and such. This brother has a key to the hall and I knew he was mentally ill but I really tied to over look it. Of course none of the elders would work with him in service. But the elders used him when they could to do things the elders did not want to waste their time doing.

    Well I helped him to get a job. I put myself on the line to do this but I am all for everyone having a chance to make it in life and he really wanted a job. I just heard two days ago how he took advantage of everyone at the place we worked at. Begging them for money, etc. He never asked me for money but my husband is an elder so maybe that is why. He hit one guy up for $1,500.00. He would never have paid him back and this guy could not afford to loose that kind of money. Then I heard all the other stories about him. I just felt sick and so stupid. He was always talking about being a JW to them all the time on and on. I just wanted to crawl under a rock.

    I just kept telling everyone I work with how sorry I am for putting them through all of it. It was all my fault as I truly got him the job. It is just that none of us especially the elders have any training in how to deal with mentally ill.

    The more I know the more I hate this religion.


  • tiki

    Some people like to blabber, some don't. I hated FS and it gave me panic attacks. I always felt like I was required to be rude...and the sarcastic "have a nice day" one.....augh......I seriously wish now I had never once had to knock on a door...but when you're a kid and that's all you know, well you are kinda stuck.

    It's just an exercise in futility.

  • tiki

    The part about sending sisters into drug/crime infected neighborhoods....about 20 years ago when I was getting fed up with all the hooey, they tried to get me into a group going into a part of the city that was a drug stronghold, and I refused. (This happened more than once). My husband stood by me and they condescended and allowed me to go with a group in a residential "safe" neighborhood. One little self-righteous sister after that always made sure to make pointed comments about being impartial and giving everyone an opportunity to hear.... I let her know that someone other than me could have the priviledge of giving the druggies an opportunity to live forever.

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