How dangers is field service really, has anyone ever heard of someone being hurt or killed while doing some form of witnessing

by life is to short 43 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Mary

    My dad had someone pull a rifle on him when he was out in field serve-us. He was a teenager in the early 1950s and he and another young bro walked up to the house, knocked on the door and were just about to start their speech when the man reached behind the door, brought out his rifle and calmly said to my dad "turn around, and just keep walkin'. My dad did just that, all the while thinking he was going to get shot in the back of the head.

  • The Scotsman
    The Scotsman

    I knew of a brother who had a shotgun pointed into his face.

    But the Bro was a bit of a cool dude and just pushed the barrel of the gun to the side and said "I am here on a mission of peace"!

    The only other example I can think of was a sister getting a buchet of water thrown over her.

  • James_Slash

    I have a story.

    During my years as a JW in England, there were many council estate areas that we had to visit - often facing drunken or drugged up individuals.

    However, there was one estate where we visited where there was an anti-JW activist who lived there. If he ever clocked the JW's in the area he would follow them and physically assault them. There were a number of JW's who lived on the same estate and because he knew them by face, he would still attack them if they visited the local store or video shop. I remember he was infamous. My Mom was working along with an Elder one day and he appeared out of nowhere and spat in his face. I know a couple of people ended up with blackeyes if he saw them out and about.

    So what was this all about?

    Well many years ago he was married. However, his wife left him on the grounds of Domestic Violence, divorced him, became a JW and married an Elder. I don't know if she actually got a 'scriptural' divorce but I'm sure because he wasn't a JW then I guess it doesn't matter as all worldly people are fornicators and adulterers.

  • mentallyfree31

    My bible study of two years murdered his wife (separated at the time) in cold blood. About 9 years ago.

  • awildflower

    I actually made this observation on a thread sometime ago, but my take was that the JW's prove inadvertently that MOST people are not evil and bad simply because as much as they are in the ministry, it's rare for bad things to happen to them. I've spent hours in neighborhoods day and night and nothing ever happened to me, so where's all these evil people that need to be saved

  • dgp


    I deeply deplore any dangers or mistreatment any of us worldlies inflicted on you.

  • wannabefree

    I remember hearing about a guy that pepper sprayed a couple of old witness guys who came to his house, I heard that he video taped it too.

  • designs

    A young sister was hit by a bullet while doing street witnessesing in Compton, that was genuinely tragic.

  • life is to short
    life is to short


    I am not talking about normal worldly people. That is something I have been telling my husband now that I have a normal job with normal people that most worldly people are so nice. I can call on people I work with to help me and they will. I could not ever do that with a JW.

    If you will notice in my first post I said that most people just treat JW's like the cult they are, most people are annoyed with us coming to their doors but they are not rude or murders they do not yell and point guns at us. They just wanted us to leave them alone so they could enjoy their Saturday mornings in peace. But that leaves only the mentally ill to want the "truth". Those are the ones I seemed to call on. I myself have had guns drawn on me. I must for some reason be the only one who had it as bad as I did in field service. There was a lot of drugs in the territory that I worked. Pot was the number one cash crop as it grew very well where I lived after I was married and there were many drug raids on the homes we called on.

    I am not making up what I went through. I was told to just buck it up that Jehovah would give me his angles, etc. I hated field service because of it. It was just so hard never knowing who you were going to get at the door.

    Maybe this is a stupid thread, maybe I am the only one who went through all of the this, I am starting to wonder why it happened to me like it did. I just do not get it.


  • snowbird

    I remember hearing the account about the pioneer who did 200 hours per month to make up the time for the JW he killed.

    According to a CO, this was a Japanese Witness.

    Here, most people are friendly, have great respect for the Bible, and wouldn't harm anyone who appears religious.

    The only occurrence of danger I recall was when a porch fell in and the JW had to be pried from between the boards!



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