What was your reputation? Were you viewed as "mature", "worldly", or "exemplary"??
How Were YOU Viewed By Other Witnesses?
by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends
Mature and exemplary.
Me too, Snowbird. My family were considered THE family to emulate.
Mothers used to encourage their daughters to sit next to me!
They hated everything about me.
Led by a vicious little lying heifer, the other JW kids hated my oldest daughter, too.
Blisters, the lot of them!
I guess I was not mature since I was never an MS, Elder , or pioneer.
Not exemplary since my kids went to college, and my hours sucked. And not being exemplary was the reason I was not allowed to even run a mic like the little kids.
Not worldly, never did anything really wrong and made almost all the meetings.
So I guess I don't know what I was. Maybe a drone.
Depends on when it was during my lifetime...
I was raised in it and my family was exemplary...my parents, especially my mom, still are. As a young man, I was an MS and was progressing. I was well liked and being groomed. Actually it wasn't because I was liked, it was because I obeyed.
As I got older and more independant and bristled under too much control and conformism, I got counseled more often. Somehow I "developed" a bad attitude and rebellious spirit. Truth was, I didn't develop those things....they were always there, just never released. Once I started to question and refuse to remain assimilated, I became bad association and no longer liked so well.
Even at my most indoctrinated though I went through a couple of periods of inactivity. As I pulled out of that and became active was when I was love bombed and treated well. It was false security that I was in the right place.
Once you go through all the emotions of feeling loved, of being spiritual and then going to being inactive and not liked and then wake up to the lies and find freedom you really do realize that it's a cult.
The elders have told me...very bright and capable and they know how spiritual I am and how much I know about the religion, Jesus, history, but I need to work on my FS time and keeping focus on the org so they can "use" me in the congregation, of course, responsing with "the last time a bunch of guys used me i couldn't sit down for a week" doesn't help my case.....
i was told by an elder's wife,
he having been the original
company servant in that congro,
that we were considered assetsor maybe she said ass heads.... i dunno