England is the oldest nation-state in Europe. It is a pround and historic nation that is often buried under a "British" identity by the UK government. Within the European Unon, Scotland and Wales are treated as regional entities, yet England is broken up into 6 regions and is not acknowledged as an entity in itself. It's most as if the government is afraid of saying the words "England" or identifying with the English nationality.
I once heard an American celebrity, when talking about the movie "Braveheart", say: "The Scottish were long oppressed by the British", without batting an eyelid! The Scottish ARE British! The Kingdom of Great Britain founded in 1707 was a union of England and Scotland.
The Americans often overuse this word "British" in contexts where is doesn't make sense. If the English themselves don't even know who they are, how can the Americans?
The other nations of the United Kingdom all have devolved parliaments or assemblies, yet England does not. The West Lothian question deals with the paradox that the Parliament for the whole UK can decide on English matters, but not on certain Scottish or Welsh matters.
How ironic then that England, the originator of the modern two-tier parliamentary system copied by every other western nation, is unique in being denied even the most basic of democratic rights.
England is also denied its own national anthem. "God Save the Queen" is a royal anthem which not only represents the UK as a whole, but the symbolic "crowns" of Canada, Australia and other countries where the British monarch is the head of state. In addition, St Patrick's Day gets more official support than England's own patron saint's day, St George! Even though the great bard William Shakespeare's birthday falls of the same day, 23 April, it is still ignored, despite having an alternative cultural significance apart from nationalism.
Why is it that England and Englishness and even the flag of St George are often associated with racist groups or football hooliganism?
Do you think that England is disenfranchised?
Is there a party that stands for English autonomy that does not want total withdrawal from the EU? Is there such a party that does not have slightly xenophobic and strong homophobic tendencies?
Is there something intrinsically right-wing, xenophobic or homophobic about loving England and being English? Or is it just a coincidence that the only parties that I can see who promote it seem to be that way inclined? (eg. English Democrats, English Independence Party)
Does anyone else see a problem here or am I concerned about nothing?