Who is our largest partner? - the EU. Where do a large amount of Brits go to for their holidays, Europe. The largest airline in the UK ( registered in Eire btw) is Ryanair, and transports many Brits to Europe.
We should without doubt be far more integrated in Europe for a number of reasons.
1. They are our largest trading partners by far, and as such we do have to do business with them on their terms, the more we involve ourselves with them the more influence we have.
2. Currency - The price we pay for being outside the Euro is increased volatility. Last time I was in an EU country the pound was worth 1.5 Euros, now it is parity and will fall further. I also remember $6 US to the pound - 35 years ago. What effect does this have?, when you buy your fruit and vegetables, as I did this morning, a large amount comes from Europe, so we pay more as the pound depreciates.
3. Legal rights. - Contrary to the popular press our rights have been enhanced by Europe, not diminished. Two examples , The ECHR increased the rights of bank customers recently. Women now receive enhanced rights due to Europe.
Do I feel English? yes very much so and register myself on all forms.
We are part of world which is increasingly integrated , The EU as such is an entity which has sufficient economic mass to act as a buttress to the less welcome corollaries of this.
Blondie, I think you will find that when most people refer to Americans, they mean US citizens usually.
UKIP, The BNP ( remember them ), et al yearn for times passed .