Remember in 2004, Utopian Reformist lost his daughter to a fire?

by hubert 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • hubert

    On there's an update on Utopian Reformists' (Mario)'s ex-wife, who was declared mentally insane and committed to a mental facility as she was unfit to stand trial by reason of insanity. She had set fire to her home, and tried to kill her two daughters in that fire, succeeding in one being lost.

    I will try to put the link or page in this post. If not, perhaps someone who is better at this than I am, could post the link for the older members to see, who knew of this story. This happened in 2004, so many of you won't know about this. It was the greatest tragedy on this forum at the time.

    Mario was/is a member here, and hasn't posted in a couple of years. He took it very hard, and with the help of many here, was able to get through this tragedy.

    Mario, if you still lurk here now and then, remember that we haven't forgotten you. Our prayers and good vibes are with you always. We hope you are well, and doing okay.

    Your friend always,


    Here's the update link. (I hope). Well, it didn't work. Here's the link.... SUPREME 05-08-10 BMIC8FE v41.3

    Well, I tried the link, and it comes up as an error. Can anyone see if they can post the story for me? It's from the Providence Journal on line. (

    Thanks. Hubert

  • Mythbuster
  • hubert

    Thanks, Mythbuster. I don't know why my link didn't fully highlight. I guess because of the dashes. They didn't show up when I copied the link.


  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    Thanks for posting this, I think of Mario and his surviving daughter often, and wonder how they are coping.

    What he and his children went through is almost beyond belief.

    Sadly, it looks like Mom has Marina convinced that she doesn't need meds. And if I remember correctly, Moms witness family was not supportive of treatment and meds too.

  • hubert

    Thanks, aSphere.

    It looks like she got off her meds and screwed up, so it's a good thing in a way. I certainly wouldn't want to visit someone in a group home and find her there. She is very dangerous, and needs to stay locked up. It's much safer for everyone involved. She can't be trusted.

    I don't know how to put Mario's first post link on this tragedy here, so I'll say if any newbie wants to read about this from the beginning, look up "Utopian Reformist" in the members list, and on page two you'll see the first post.


  • TheSilence

    Thanks, Hubert, for the update. I remember when it happened and how much it hurt just to read it... I can't imagine how unbearable it must have been for Mario and his daughter to have lived it... and to have to live with it every day since then. I hope they have found peace.


  • snowbird
  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I also remember that awful, awful chain of events, and I hope Mario has found some healing.

  • hubert

    Thanks for posting the link, Snowbird.

    Yeah, Nathan, that was one of the toughest times we had endured here. Me, anyways.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    The article makes it sound like she still retains some control over Marina.

    I hope she and Mario are ok. It would be nice to hear from him.



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