Having someone close to you whose Bi-Polar, wrecks your own psyche. Its a very fragmented relationship. Of course I always wish Mario has found some way to heal as much as possible. I also hope the eldest daughter gets wonderful healthy support from others. She's still very much in the centre of all of this it appears.
Remember in 2004, Utopian Reformist lost his daughter to a fire?
by hubert 16 Replies latest jw friends
I remember this well. Very Very sad. I can't believe how much time has passed.
This all happened just as I joined the site. I remember it well and think of Mario often.
Hope is doing well. Marina, too.
I remember - though I came in to the story on one of the later updates. I read the threads from start to finish and it was heart breaking. I communicated with Mario because we share loss (mine not anywhere near as horrific - few are). He is a strong and brave soul.
Lady Lee
I was just thinking about them the other day. I hope they are doing well.
Lady Lee, I think Marina is living with her jw grandparents. I hear the grandfather is an elder in a local KH. I may find out more in a couple of months. I know people that frequent that hall. I'll give you an update when I hear something.
I haven't heard from Mario in a couple of years. Last I heard, he may be living in Italy, but that could only be a rumor.
In case some of you that wanted to see this, missed it because of the weekend and Mothers day activities.