Why can't the WTS handle the truth on why people really leave the organization?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 30 Replies latest watchtower bible



    I agree that once you're given a Placebo,it is up to you if it is working. Once you see that the Placebo works on other members also,you benefit even more.

    As you said,once it becomes a chore,boring,repetative,tedious,bothersome,tiresome,and a waste of time,it's time to quit.

  • not a captive
    not a captive

    dgp, I think along the lines you do on this. Those parts of the managers of the Corporation have to be a piece of work to do what they do. But so many believe or try to.


    FLIPPER said:

    ''They put the blame on the individual members- not the leaders of the WT society. Members are made to feel they have a lack of alleged " faith " or are deficient for leaving. The WT society WANTS it's members to feel deficient . Then THE LEADERS don't have to honestly admit their OWN deficiencies.''

    Flipper....you're absolutely right! They always blame all members that leave the organization and call them names such as ......''spiritually weak'', ''loving the world'', and ''apostates''.

  • Robert7

    The brainwashing is amazing. Just the other day my mom told me the reason I left was due to my wanted to live a 'worldly life'. This was completely unwarranted since my lifestyle hasn't change. The THOUGHT of leaving due to doctrine issues never even came to mind, even when I started telling her about some of my issues.

  • EmptyInside

    Only in Watchtower land is independent thinking a serious crime.

  • moshe

    Considering how much time/money/sweat is invested to bring each worldly pigeon into the KH flock, you would think that Bethel would have done a study to determine just why so many JW's leave, why so many JW teens quit and why so many ex-JW's never, ever come back to the KH.

    At the top, they Have to know what is going on and they are merely giivng to the brothers what they want- a fake truth (Terry's Placebo), fake security, fake pride and a fake purpose in life (it's a life saving work). JW's demand it, they also expect "new light" on a regular basis and new publications to study. it reminds me of my old company, Chrysler. The customers demanded that Hemi engine- That thang got a hemi, Gomer?", and they gave the customer what they wanted. It's too bad that mentality ruined a good company.

    Even when the Org tells the truth about itself- using veiled language- the JW's just refuse to connect the dots. How much plainer do they have to be- 8600 anointed in the 80's and over 10,000 a generation later. If you can count, you can understand the numbers don't lie- the F&DS slave/annoined remnant class does not exist.

  • freydo

    "Even when the Org tells the truth about itself- using veiled language- the JW's just refuse to connect the dots. How much plainer do they have to be- 8600 anointed in the 80's and over 10,000 a generation later. If you can count, you can understand the numbers don't lie- the F&DS slave/annoined remnant class does not exist."

    As I've said before, that delusion is more important to their house of cards then the 1914/generation things put together.

    It's the reason the r&f refuse to connect the dots. They've just gotta believe in the man behind the curtain.

  • man in black
    man in black

    Now this is a great thread, really shows how phoney this religion is.

  • willyloman

    Terry: brilliant analysis of the Placebo Effect on the whole dub concept. I know, I lived it. Once I outgrew it, there was no turning back.

  • LongHairGal

    The reason that the religion cannot handle the truth about why people leave the religion is because many people there are barely hanging on by a thread. It would be bad for morale and some people would seriously flip out if the religion admitted their past 'mistakes'.

    There are many people who have been there practically their whole lives and have given up much. There are some who couldn't even exist outside the little bubble they are in. They have hardly any education, few social skills not to mention few if any job skills. What would happen if their world were suddenly ripped out from under them? It would not be pleasant.

    They have to exist undisturbed in their never-never land where nothing can rip through the tenuous fantasy they have set up.

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