......... And I live out here in Northern California ! Are you folks doing O.K. down there in Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, & Mississippi ? I hope this hasn't affected your own " personal " incomes yet ! I swear to God - If I lived down there I'd be getting in some congressmens or BP executives faces and grills big time ! Been following this fairly closely on the news and I really think BP doesn't know it's butt from a hole in the ground about how to deal with this.
I mean , they go to all that humungous labor, build a huge box to put over the oil gushing out and wham 5,000 ft. deep it gets clogged with ice crystals. Now they are talking about a couple other alternatives in the news- all the while today Haliburton, BP, and other reps are meeting with federal officials getting into a pissing match and fight over WHO is responsible for the spill ? Hey boys- Why don't we freaking get the damned thing clogged and stopped first before we waste too much time in the boardroom seeing whose money is getting eaten up by this ?
Meanwhile millions and millions of oil kills birdlife, fish and sea life in the gulf and threatens 4 states coastlines and the livelihoods of shrimp fishermen and resort owners, and anybody ELSE who makes their living off the coast or on the coast. If this oil gets washed up on Florida's beaches - can you imagine the billions $$$ that will be lost due to the negligence of BP ? Yes, I said negligence of BP.
In last nights NBC news with Brian Williams he stated that in 2005 15 BP workers were killed at the Texas BP plant and they had to pay out $ 370 million in compensation. In 2006 a BP oil rig blew letting out 212,000 gallons into Alaska . In 2009 $87.4 million in fines were levied by OSHA against the Texas City Refinery owned by BP for violations of safety codes and regulations. So this isn't the FIRST time BP has been guilty of negligence. The link if you want to see it from NBC's nightly news last night is : http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3032619/#37073208 .
Not only should there be Billions of $$$ in penalties, but just like the captain that ran aground in Exxon Valdez in Alaska- there should be CRIMINAL prosecution against the CEO's and executives of BP for allowing this to happen. Accident or not- apparently they have a history of negligence and safety violations. I hope for human and animals welfare - this spill gets cleaned up as quickly as possible. It's an absolute F---ing disaster.
When are we as a country ever going to learn ? When will greed not take priority over safer, cleaner energy sources ? Will it take disasters worse than Exxon or BP to drill it into the idiot powers who decide heads that THIS is NOT the way to go ? I truly fear for our children's children down the road. As always I look forward to your comments ! Hey southern folks ! Give a shout out ! How are people responding down there where this is happening ? Let us know . You have our deepest sympathies for what you are going through. Hang in there, Peace out to all, Mr. Flipper