Our Southern Friends- Are you Pissed about the Oil Spill? I Know I Am ...... !

by flipper 233 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaguarbass

    I think it will eventually cost me my job.

    Florida is in a bad financial way.

    I work for the state.

    Sheriffs departments and police departments are letting people go.

    The Clearwater Police department is talking about shutting down.

    The jail I work at has gone from having 4 to 5 officers on a cell block at night

    to just me. I end up having to work a 16 hour day once a week due to the shortage

    and I dont get paid for it. I get flexed off in liitle pieces and sent home at the end

    of the week. And I get told be thankful you have a job.

    Its getting exausting counting all my blessing after I have to remove them from

    all the shxt they are tangled up in.

    When the oil spill starts effecting tourism that will be it.

    Tourism drives our economy we have no industry.

    Except titty bars.

    I am against drilling off shore of Florida. Because of the effect this inevitible event will have on our economy.

    And because drilling for oil off florida does not lower the price of oil in the US or Florida.

    the oil goes on to the world market and gets gobbled up by chinna to make widgets to sell to the US which

    we do not need.

    I lost my last job of 25 years making tools due to 911 now I see the writing on the wall for this disaster.

  • thetrueone

    By the way my friends suggestion to BP is to design a dome much like a condom,

    made with with a heavy weighted perimeter of steel and the dome made up of flexible

    rubber type material that impervious to cold temperatures.

    Placed over the leak with an attaching orifice to release pressure and the oil to be pumped upward.

    I wonder if they'll grab at that sugestion.

  • restrangled

    There is no fix and if anyone thinks BP is going to fix this.....they are out of their minds. They(BP) are flying by the seat of their pants and they know it.

    The big cement box didin't work and anyone with any brains could figure out this wasn't going to work. Now we have the idea that golf balls and garbage can get pumped into the end of a pipe?

    FOR REAL?????????



    Get ready for the biggest maritime disaster in the history of the U.S.

  • thetrueone

    Does anyone else think Obama wants to distance himself from this tragedy because he just recently gave approval

    of off shore oil drilling on the east coast of the States ?

  • moshe

    Methane is the problem- it's a gas on the surface, but an icy gooey crystal 5000 feet below the surface- pump that up to the surface with the oil and it will likely explode again. I don't see an easy solution here.

    The local Ft Myers newspaper said that the oil was likely to miss us, and go south to Key West and then make landfall all up and down the east coast up to even Daytona beach. You can just write off those million dollar Miami beach front condos, and the tourism industry, too, if the oil ruins the beaches. It will take 10 or more years to make them look good again.

  • shamus100

    I agree with Moshe. It's going to be an awful mess before it gets better - you've probably seen nothing yet.

    They will probably have to drill a relief well to get control of it and cement it off - it's going to take a very very long time. Months.

  • flipper

    QUANDRY- I'm so sorry about your husband's relatives. First the Hurricane, now the oil spill. So many people will be put out of work by this, it's sad. And the poor animals are defenseless against this as they LIVE in the water and around it ! Just makes you want to puke.

    RESTRANGLED- Outside of seeing it on NBC news with Brian Williams for about 3 to 5 minutes last night - I've noticed it's on pg. 13 each day in our right wing Sacramento bee newspaper and in our local Mountain newspaper it's on pg. 13 as well. The damage to animals, birds, fish, and the seafood industry is going to be catastrophic ! I am so sorry to hear you can even smell the stench in Florida already ! God lord. I can only imagine how the air smells on the coastlines of all 4 states. Wasn't Dick Cheney affiliated with Haliburton ? Should tell that Ted Jaracz look alike to put his swimsuit on and fix the damned leak !

    THETRUEONE- It's a good thing they withdrew that drilling oil bill you talked about- or they'd have a lot of angry people stomping on Washington ! They may STILL get angry people stomping on Washington if they don't get this spill cleaned up like right now ! I hope BP officials listen to your fellow workers suggestions. THEY obviously don't know which end is up right now.

    BEKSBKS- It is so irresponsible of the Exxon company, BP, and ALL the oil companies to put our lands, waters, and wildlife at such a risk for the sake of what ? Fattening up their bank accounts . Just sick.

    SAMMIELEE"s WIFE- It is so ridiculous. These huge corporations sitting around in a boardroom pointing fingers at each other mainly concerned about how much $$$$ they'll lose - as opposed to getting it together and coming up with some viable " lets put our minds together " type plan which would stop the spill. These companies are so self serving - the little man doesn't exist at all. Nobody will EVER be compensated for their horrific losses adequately . Notin this lifetime, probably never

  • flipper

    JAGUARBASS- Wow. I know you've worked your rear end off in the prison systems for years now- I hope it doesn't cost you your job. It sounds like Florida is in a mess financially like California is, with people getting laid off left and right ! Pretty bad. The tourism in Florida would suffer greatly as well with the beaches being all mucked up. And yes, I agree , why the hell should china get our oil ? They seem powerful enough, let em drill their OWN damned oil !

    THETRUEONE- A steel condom ? Now don't THAT just grab all ? ( No pun intended ). It better be pretty steely and firm to do what it's supposed to do - stop oil. I think time will tell how Obama eventually deals with this. I hope he becomes more Johnny on the spot instead of ignoring it.

    RESTRANGLED- I agree. There is NO easy fix here. BP didn'tseem like they had a cLUE how to handle this catastrophe. I mean they ran around like chickens with their heads off for a couple weeks ! Meanwhile 210,000 gallons a day pumps into the gulf. Sick.

    MOSHE- So Methane is the problem ? Interesting. It would explode again coming to the surface ? Then why put the box down on it in the FIRST place ? Good gawd, does BP have $hit for brains or what ? Man- if it hits your pristine Florida beaches - t's curtains for the economy down there.

    SHAMUS- I agree. It's probably going to take MONTHS before this gets capped off. Just sick. I hope they cap it soon

  • thetrueone

    One thing thats certain BP and government officials are not letting the public exactly what the problem is completely.

    There seems to be trimming down of information, spearheaded most likely by BP itself.

  • restrangled

    The trueone said:

    One thing thats certain BP and government officials are not letting the public exactly what the problem is completely.

    There seems to be trimming down of information, spearheaded most likely by BP itself.

    Exactly! There are many saying no one can know the exact amount spewing, and based on the surface....its much more than 210,000 gallons a day.

    Check out:


    Much more information!

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