I only take 1 daily pill, allopurinol, for gout. I have a number of friends that take a half dozen pills a day!
How Many Here Take Prescription Meds?
by minimus 39 Replies latest jw friends
A better question would be- Who doesn't? I am 60 and take no medication, my BP is around 105/70 ( except when talking to idiot JW's- then I don't want to know the number) and my BMI is about 22. My wife (age 54) takes enough pills for both of us- BP, arthritis, osteoporosis, cholesterol, acid reflux. A pharmacist friend says that most people over 50 take some kind of medication. Somehow, I can't shake the notion that sometimes taking one pill leads to another and then another. All drugs have to be disposed of by either the Liver or the Kidneys and I think that leads to problems for those organs later down the road. Of course, if the alternative is chronic pain, loss of mobility and death, then taking prescription drugs is certainly worth it!
I take an antihypertensive, an antidepressant for anxiety, and an anxiolytic occasionally for acute situations.
I can't shake the notion that sometimes taking one pill leads to another and then another.
Yea...I try hard to not take anything, prescribed or not.
But there comes a time when you have to do something or lose some quality of life. I have to take acid reflux meds. I hate it...I tried changing my diet and cutting back on booze but it didn't help. So on the meds I went. It really helps.
I have had to take pain meds at different times also. The pain was so intense that I was counting the minutes to when I could take my next pill...but in the back of mind was worried about getting hooked. I've heard horror stories about Vicodin, which was what I was taking. But as the pain issue improved, I was able to wean myself off of it.