Is this a competition?
How Many Here Take Prescription Meds?
by minimus 39 Replies latest jw friends
The drug industry views everyone that does not take prescription drugs as lost income. If they had their way, anyone (regardless of age) not taking prescription drugs would be charged with stealing from the drug companies.
And no, this is not good for you. Yes, medication has its place--it can stabilize a condition long enough for natural remedies to kick in, or help resolve a medical crisis. Also, if you are at the very end of your life, medication can keep you alive or improve the quality of your last months. It can also relieve the misery and pain of people that are near death, or are in a trauma situation.
However, I positively do not believe most people should be taking long-term courses of medication. You take one pill (or two, or three) for high blood pressure, another for "cholesterol" problems (where an antioxidant and magnesium might do better to allow the cholesterol to do its job instead of clogging the arteries), diabetes medication, arthritis medication, psychiatric medication (most children are being pushed on that), allergy medication, asthma medication. All intended to manage the condition without curing it. You are told that, if you discontinue your medication, you are putting your life at risk.
Problem is, all drugs have risks. Properly prescribed, properly administered prescription drugs are among the top 5 killers--worse than automobile accidents (yet, they are pushing the 55 MPH speed limit and not a 55 prescription drug limit), suicide, murder, and other things people are so afraid of. And, they disable. All prescription drugs have side effects and risks. Some of them result in other "diseases", for which another drug is prescribed. Quality of life goes down with each new drug that is prescribed. Remember, none of them actually cure anything (aside those short-term courses of things like antibiotics that can and do cure infections).
As for me, I only take vitamin pills. I have things like astragalus, alpha lipoic acid, B vitamins, specific minerals (most specific, magnesium), vitamins A, C, and E, and vitamin D when the sun is not high enough in the sky to do its job (like fall and winter). Occasionally, I will find natural cleanses and take those, too. I would rather take 50 vitamin pills a day to get out of taking even one prescription or non-prescription drug pill.
Do not take any but I know a couple of some who do.
Lady Lee
I hate taking pills. Hate it!!!
Not too long ago I was taking 31 pills a day just for nerve pain. We finally got approval for a 400mg pill (3 x daily) that I can take two at a time instead of 8 100mg pills 3 x daily. So now I am down to 16 a day. It's getting better and at least they are smaller. And since I am on disability I get my meds for free
And that didn't include pain from my arthritis which I now ignore because the nerve pain is worse. Ot my monthly injections of B12 or calcium, multi-vitamin and Vitamin D that my Dr wants me to take.
Did I say I hate taking pills.
Believe me I would like my life a lot less if I wasn't taking my meds.
my god----that's a lot of pills!
Levothyroxine, allopurinol, metformin, januvia, lipidil, crestor, adalat, hydrochlorothyazide. Also take salmon oil, multivitamin, vitamins D & E, coenzyme, low dose aspirin, and probably a couple of others I can't remember right now.
It's kind of like having an extra meal every day.
No prescribed meds....WAIT vodka just about everyday, does that count? I have a lot of kids. A cocktail makes it more enjoyable in coping with the constant noise and voices.
I do like a half of a generic OTC sleep aid.
I take valium and bp meds.
Lady Lee
my god----that's a lot of pills!
Last year I was visiting my daughter and was standing at the counter taking my pills. They were all pretty small so I would take 4 at a time. My granddaughter who was 3 1/2 came up to the counter beside me and was pretending to swallow pills. I had to have a serious little talk with her that taking pills wasn't a game. Medicine was very serious and people should only take it when their doctor tells them to. Then we went t play a better game.
Little kids are so impressionable and imitate what they see. I couldn't just laugh and say it was funny.
I'm just glad I'm not taking as many right now. Tonight I get to drop one more pill so it will be only 15 for the day and will be knocking off another 2 over the next week
I do. I'll tell you of one that I have to take, Levoxyl. I had a goiter removed. Since I no longer have a thyroid, I have to take this hormone.