It feels so good to finally be at the 'management' level, having been baptised in 1998 and serving Jehovah for so many years.
by african GB Member 140 Replies latest jw experiences
Did Simon warn you about your zero drivel topics? You are going to get your ass busted sooner or later.
Ok, so you are a ministerial servant for JW's, which is akin to being an assistant manager for a cult. So what?
Wait, a Ministerial Servant would not be appointed with Jehovah in charge who comes and posts here. So, (sorry,) you are
1) A liar
2) Your appointment shows that Jehovah is as powerless as Brittney Spears chastity belt.
3) A troll, a bored troll, one who only takes the time to type here after all other activities involving your hand have been exhausted.
So, anyway. Whatever.
Mad Sweeney
MS isn't "management" level, bro.
MS means you get to do all the crap work that elders don't feel like doing. There are two ways to become a MS.
1. The quick way. You check your pride and self-esteem at the door, bend over, take whatever the elders give you, then smile and tell them you'd love to take some more.
2. The slow way. You toil in obscurity in your congregation for years and years, hovering at or slightly above the field service average, knowing it's a waste of time, and refusing to kiss anybody's butt in the process. Eventually, if there's nothing wrong with you, you keep at or above average number of hours, and give a half-decent talk, you'll get appointed a MS.
He is probably Steve Urkel
There are more people full of shit on this thread than many people realize. Isn't it funny how when asseiltoone is here you always show up.
shamus100 Hi shamus100 , what make you think in other ways that asilentone could be as same as african GB Member ? Frankly speaking, I do not understand the relationship between the two guys. If on the other hand, both were one guy, then simon for sure, could have alerted us if both were posting from the same IP address. IMHO, I have observed that over the years, ASO has been consistently identified as writing few lines or sentences in most of his posts in contrast with AGBM. Therefore, the two cannot be the same guy.
He sounds like he needs lots of attention. And guess what? His little scheme worked. He is getting the attention. But I don't believe him for a minute.
he is probably picking his nose full time when he has nothing to do.
Golly!! I'm so sorry AGBM!