by african GB Member 140 Replies latest jw experiences
Think About It
If true, I think first you would have posted here that you were approached first by the elders and ask by them if there was anything that would prevent them from appointing you a MS and if you would accept such an appointment.
Think About It
After being reinstated in 2008, I was finally appointed MS last night.
I am so excited now that i have a certain measure of 'power'.
Ex-MS's/elders, what types of challenges come with this priviledge?
What will be expected from me?....AGB
I think they should put you in the bathroom, because you are full of crap!.....ATJ
"Now JWN knows I`m full of Shit!!.."
""Dam you ATJ!!.."
........................... ...OUTLAW
Oh my.....
This sandbox has gotten pretty aggressive......
AGBM any ability to refute them boys?
(mind you I am just a lowly gal, who never really paid any attention to the MSs in my KH because until 6 years ago you had to 40 before the old Nazi geezers allowed any privileges or let you entertain possibilities of Elder power reserved for 65 and older---- really is a shame I feel so left out having never had a MS within my age range to get all 'creamy' over as he handled the mics or lit counter---)
White Dove
Grown middle aged men handled the sound system in all of my halls.
Here is an easy test to find out if AGBM is actually ASO:
Show AGBM my photo, and if he gives me a complement, it's NOT ASO!
good idea, I think he will like you.
WhiteDove, AGBM looks like Steve Urkel.
White Dove
Don't you get the difference between "just a test" and "flirting?" There is a difference, you know.
You would have to PM him to see if he likes you or not.
Grown middle aged men handled the sound system in all of my halls.
I haven't seen any in the congregations I attended in Texas, Colorado or in California.
I am not saying they didn't know how.......we had an audio problem the other weekend in the second school and all of us gals panicked because we didn't know where the knob was..... thank goodness a 47 year male was nearby to save us alll !!!!!! (but of course I watched his stealth moves and will be able to handle the situation myself next time!)
Always run by them teenage boys.......
Looking back I think if I was a grown man I would rather do sound than mic handling......let them teeny boppers run up and down the aisles!
Guys if yall back to being MSs now and had a choice would you do sound or mic handling (please explain why)