Or could it be both? I think he himself charactarized it as being mad-crazy.
question for MadJW
by isaacaustin 18 Replies latest watchtower bible
MadJW needs to stop thinking watchtower-eze. He seems to be a poor lost watchtoweroid.
If all was well in Dubbieland......
He wouldn't be so active on the interwebs....
He be enjoying some of the most flavored Kool-aid served up since the 30s!
He has gotten himself branded apostate with many of the FB JWs......
His 'trolling' behavior can be chalked up to the WTS persecution complex brainwashing program
exactly. he is actually a self-proclaimed apostate. I had told him on another thread that his views would be apostasy according to the jdubs- to which he agreed, and said it would not be apostasy toward God.
Whoever MadJW is, s/he ain't listening - or is creating the impression s/he ain't. It's the internet: Opinions run rife, as do speculations about people's motives. Que sera sera....
He has gotten himself branded apostate with many of the FB JWs......
Which makes it all the more ironic that he comes here to defend JW "freedom of thought".
My problem with his antics here is the obvious hostility he is showing, combined with constant open advertisement for his own religious forum.
It somehow does not really fit the profile of an actual and honest current JW fader.
yes WTS is not as bad as the Christendom
yes WTS is not as bad as the Christendom
Neither is as good as the freedom.
Darth plaugeis
I like MadJW, he makes me laugh.