Disturbing Letters from/about/and TO the "FDS"...

by AGuest 32 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • ziddina

    Hmm... If I read correctly - and as OUTLAW mentioned, a bit tough to absorb all in one sitting...

    Those letters/declarations made to Russia took some guts...

    Hope they have an effect... Is Russia aware of the efforts of some within the nation of France to have the Watchtower Society declared a cult???




    The letter from the WBT$ Anointed is the one that stands out for me..

    As a large group of the Faithful and Discreet Slave, a part of the anointed remnant of Christ's Brothers from around the world, we wanted to commend you for your fine work that you have done. This is a letter of support. We know that it is not easy to go against the policies of the Governing Body. You are courageous and bold. We appreciate the work that you are doing on behalf of the lost sheep that have been neglected and abused by elders and indirectly by the Governing Body for not putting proper policies in place to assure the safety and security of all members old and young alike.

    We as Jehovah's Witnesses who are part of Faithful and Discreet Slave, Christ's Brothers, Joint Heirs, the Anointed Remnant stand on the side of justice, wisdom and love with Jehovah and Jesus. We do not condone or wish to share in the sins of the Governing Body. We do not agree with the policy of two witnesses and hiding the pedophile. The leadership of the Governing Body has disappointed us and let us all down. They seem to be more concerned about the Organization's image, protecting assets and distracting from the real issues. The Governing Body deserves censure. JUSTICE must be served. Jehovah will punish them severely for this and other crimes. This letter serves to remind the Governing Body of the Faithful and Discreet Slave members that have tried to intervene and been ignored!

    The WBT$ should be listening to the Anointed..We all know thats never going to happen..

    The WBT$ do as they please..

    The Anointed are used in the WBT$ Con Game,of Bait and Switch..

    Bla-Bla-Bla Anointed........Do as the WBT$ says or the WBT$ will disfellowship you..

    The Anointed have No Power,in Watchtower World..

    That being the case..

    Why would the WBT$ Anointed continue to support,a Corrupt WBT$ organization..

    If they really are Anointed..

    The WBT$ Anointed dont follow Jesus..They have turned their back on Jesus..They follow the WBT$..

    How can they Possibly claim to be Christians..How can they possibly claim to be Anointed..

    The Anointed like you.....That do follow Jesus.....Got the Boot!..


    Evil in Watchtower World is Alive and doing just Fine..

    Theres absolutley no one who can,or will..Do anything about it..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • AGuest
    Why would the WBT$ Anointed continue to support,a Corrupt WBT$ organization... If they really are Anointed...

    Yes, dear Outlaw (peace to you, my friend!)... I think that is the issue: they're NOT. They will be counted among those who say, "Lord, Lord, didn't we do... such and such in your name."

    Is Russia aware of the efforts of some within the nation of France to have the Watchtower Society declared a cult???

    I don't really know, dear Ziddina (peace to you!)... but I can't imagine they don't know.

    I seem to remember the Worldwide Order was simply one of those legal entitites the Society set up around 2000 as an umbrella for the Special Pioneers

    Yes, you may be right, dear Journey (thank you, and peace to you!). I recall that the "World Order" may have come about back when France had their tax issues (I think there was something owed by the WTBTS like $60 million? I could be wrong)... and when many of the German Bethelites were sent home... after giving their entire lives to the WTBTS... when that government (or a similar one?) went after them for unemployment, workers' comp, and other like payroll taxes. And the U.S. branch very soon changed its "donation" program, didn't it (to avoid paying taxes on the PROFITS from their publications)?

    Funny, though, other religions actually pay their "ministers", which is why the IRS 1040 asks whether wages are related to "clergy" or something like that. The WTBTS gets around this by saying, well, "we ain't clergy." Yet, they also want to "take advantage" of being a religion for the purpose of non-profit tax status. AND... given the HUGE amounts of cash (not to mention the value of the real estate holdings)... it's not like they can't pay such things...

    Anyway... they're a scam, no doubt about it... and these so-called "anointed" should KNOW that by now, if not because of the false prophecies, then because of the wicked works and hatred of their "enemies"... and if not that, then because of what they COULD learn here, if they wished to... and if not for THAT... then certainly because of the GB's fulfillment of John 10:12 and 13, where my Lord's words unequivocally IDENTIFIED them:

    "The hired man, who is no shepherd and to whom the sheep do not belong as his own, beholds the wolf coming and abandons the sheep and flees—and the wolf snatches them and scatters them because he is a hired man and does not care for the sheep."

    IF they truly WERE anointed, the so-called "anointing" that would be IN them... would have revealed this truth to them. It didn't, however, because THEY are also false. Good intentioned, yes, absolutely. Anointed, not so much. But... "it" ain't over, yet. They STILL have time to GET OUT OF HER... and QUIT touching that unclean thing... and be taken in as "sons and daughters."

    Again, peace to you all!

    A slave of Christ,


  • wobble

    Dearest Shelby,

    I like the points you make about getting out of an unclean organization, this would apply to sincere catholics as well.

    The letter purporting to come from the Anointed around the world, where is the original posted ?, and is there any clue as to the true writer(s) of it ?



  • Soldier77

    Do you happen to have a scan of the original? I would like to verify the validity of these letters. This is very powerful ammunition but before I load it into a gun and fire, I want to make sure it won't blow up in my face.

    Thanks AGuest for posting. (Peace with you too)

  • Cagefighter

    I have no clue what this post is about. I thought I was getting a sip of water and I am at the bottom of a lake.



    Let me help you out..

    One letter is from a Group of Anointed JW`s.....Another is from Jehovah`s Witness`s in Russia..

    Both hope for Reform in the WBT$..It`s not going to happen..

    Shelbys post is for them to get out of the WBT$..Nothing is going to change..


    Both the Anointed JW`s and the Russian JW`s will continue be a part of WBT$ Corruption,if they do not leave..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • journey-on

    Can you imagine the dilemma and the internal conflict these folks face!!! On the one hand, they "hear": GET OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE!

    And on the other hand, they "hear": "HE THAT ENDURES TO THE END WILL BE SAVED!" (or some similar twisted scripture)

    Who is the Lord talking to when he says to get out of her?.........He says: "my people!!!" He is not talking to people of Christendom like we were always lead to believe. Read the scripture closely with "eyes to see and ears to hear!!"

    He is telling HIS people (supposedly themselves according to JWs). Where are HIS people? According to Watchtower teachings, his people are in the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses. Why, then, does the Lord say to his own people: Get Out of Her?!!!

    Shelby, am I "hearing" this right or wrong?

  • daniel-p

    Peace to you!

  • AGuest
    where is the original posted ?, and is there any clue as to the true writer(s) of it? Do you happen to have a scan of the original?

    Dearest Wobble and Soldier... may you both have peace! Well, I thought I would be able to respond, "Sure!" and include a link to the site. BUT... although I have gone back to site (www.silentlambs.org) and searched... and searched... and searched (because there is a PLETHORA of intriguing information and I couldn't remember exactly which link/page I clicked to come across these)... I could NOT find them! I am SO glad that I listened and copied them to Word (in order to reformat so as to post them here). I have contacted the site and asked them where it is located and will post that here, should I hear from them.

    Dearest Casefighter, may you also have peace! What exactly was it that you "thought" you were going to "sip"?

    Again, peace to you all!

    A slave of Christ,


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