WTWizard - that's ANOTHER misinterpretation, EVERYONE thinks that the bible was made book by book, and after John wrote Revelation, everything was done. The end of Revelation says, adding or removing from the WORDS OF THIS SCROLL. The scroll of revelation. (it was put as the last book and cannon 250+ years later? )
Remember the books about gifts of prophesy, understanding, etc. Very well could have been more inspired scrolls, etc, even down to armageddon, based on the scriptures, it says they are done away with when that which is whole arrives ( I take to mean when true restoration of true worship, which obviously not happened yet )
Anyway.......again that understanding is taken out of context.
So, are you saying it is okay to ADD TO or TAKE AWAY from the bible, then?
Because, that is about all we end up with. No originals can be found anywhere. All we have are the added to and taken away versions of previous versions of previous oral stories.
Christianity for 1500 years was just the Catholic Church and its mirror image (Orthodox) which was top down authority.
Martin Luther invented sola scruptura (Lone Ranger Christianity) which fragmented every whim and distortion into hundreds (if not thousands) of denominations.
Everything we THINK we know about Jesus or Jehovah is not DIRECT from God. He doesn't whisper in my ear nor yours.
All we have is a tired old scrapbook of cut and paste hand-me-down alterations from something which doesn't even exist for us to check and verify.
Is that really good enough for you?
Well, it is what every church is teaching!