Did Jesus say: GO FEED MY SHEEP as much crap as you can?

by Terry 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    In 1922 new emphasis was placed on door to door selling of books and magazines by Judge Rutherford. A set of 10 of his own books would eventually be sold for about $ 2.50 (about twenty five dollars in today's money).

    The colporteur work under Russell was not too dissimilar to Fuller Brush salesmen or vacuum cleaner sales. Rutherford would prove to be as prolific a writer as Russell and kept the pressess churning out his angry screeds which attacked Roman Catholics, Jews (Big Business), Government and imagined conspiracies with the Devil. He also whined about Prohibition, naturally, being a tippler himself.

    What is my point?

    The brothers and sisters who go door to door think they are "feeding" the flock. They imagine their "preaching work" to be something lofty and noble and divinely commissioned by Jesus Christ. It isn't and it wasn't in the past.


    Because, the stuff they have always been peddling isn't "food" at all. It is ravings and imaginary scenarios feebly connected to interpretations of Bible verses.

    Feeding the Sheep-like ones crap is not a noble pursuit.

    The magazines and books throughout the Watchtower's history are just so much dusty garbage on bookshelves. This isn't a polemic claim on my part. NOBODY IS ALLOWED TO USE THESE BOOKS according to the Watchtower itself.

    The "food" spoiled all by itself by not being true or valuable in a historic or prophetic sense!

    It was garbage at the beginning and it is just so much garbage now.

    It isn't useful for anything other than PROVING it is garbage!

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    rofl terry here here



    In Watchtower World..

    Gods Word has an "Expiration Date.."

    A can of Beans lasts longer,than WBT$ Information..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • Terry

    My former "best friend", Johnny (who was instrumental in my becoming a JW) said to me after I was an EX-JW:

    "We are the only religion on earth going from door to door bringing the message of Jehovah's Kingdom to people."

    My reply back then was:

    "If those books and magazines were good for anything we'd still be using them to teach people THE TRUTH. Why do we still

    have the Old Testament in the New World Translation if the old stuff doesn't apply anymore? Shouldn't the New Testament be the New Light?"

    Crap is crap.

  • cyberjesus

    Thats why I never read the books when they came out.... I knew they were gonna be outdated soon :-D .... Now when my mother sends me a book and asks me to read I say to her "I am gonna wait for the next book with the most current light"

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    lol good answer cyberjesus.

    Yeah I have a hard time believing that Jesus command means to print literature and dispense it. Witnesses are keen on placing their literature but won't lift a finger to actually feed hungry people.

  • sacolton

    Because, the stuff they have always been peddling isn't "food" at all. It is ravings and imaginary scenarios feebly connected to interpretations of Bible verses.
    Feeding the Sheep-like ones crap is not a noble pursuit.

    There's actually a scripture that fits:

    Galatians 1:7-8

    I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel--

    which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ.

    But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!

  • designs

    All of Western Christianity is a 'different gospel'. Open hymm books, literature and pamplets from your current Churches, find a picture of the supposed 'Jesus', now tell me if that isn't the most non-Jewish looking Euro-Nordic looking guy on the block.

    Its Different alright.

  • transhuman68

    If it was the religion it claimed to be the Witnesses would need nothing more than the Bible when they went door to door. But that wouldn't work for cult indoctrination.

  • designs

    Over simplification Trans. The collection of books comprising the 'Bible' has been edited, rewritten, recannonized and used, in some very cruel hands, to rain terror on civilization for centuries. Our former religion and its leaders were actually amateurs in the Cult department compared to Western Christianity and its 1900 years of control.

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