I believe it's very Republican in its outlook.
Would the Watchtower Society be Republican or Democrat, if it were political?
by Quillsky 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I believe that they will belong to the Self-Survival Party and would do business with whatever party would contribute to their survival.
Having served at Brooklyn Bethel, I can assure you that leadership would be some flavor of Nazi.
Take the Democrats and Republicans, subtract out anything logical, useful, economical, beneficial or supportive of individual liberty and you would have the WTBS political party.
Somewhere between Republican and Glen Beck... leaning toward Glen Beck.
It would be a strange mix. They are on the right when it comes to abortion, atheists, gay rights, and drugs. They are on the left side when it comes to not saluting the flag, opposing military action, freedom of speech (their speech), freedom of religion (their religion) and collecting welfare checks. They are on neither side when it comes to voting: perhaps that is a blessing!
The last thing they would be is Libertarians!
But can you imagine if they did get behind a candidate?
Over one million going door to door conveying messages, even to the point of perhaps reasoning with people on why to vote for their guy. And doing all of this on their dime!
Mickey mouse
Figurehead President = rutherford, knorr, franz
Politburo = governing body
KGB = Service dept
Ministry of Propaganda = Writing committee
Exile to Siberia = disfellowship
Great emphasis on 'working in the field'
All are equal / no titles, meanwhile in reality there's an authoritarian hierachy...