I've seen shadow people, but I didn't know that is what they are called. Just out of the corner of my eye, I'd see something move. I'd look at the area straight on and see nothing.
I was guessing at the time that it was just the moisture moving over my eye, but it is more like flickering that tears wouldn't do.
I've also had other experiences.
I have a couple of dreams a year that occur just before the event makes the news. Who knows how many of my dreams that don't make the news actually happen?
One was the C-5 going down in Dover, DE. The next day, it went down a mile from where we lived and it was on the news.
The most recent one was of a father killing his family and then setting the house on fire. It was a very disturbing dream and felt so real as I dreamed it.
It came out in the news the next day that it happened in California at about the same time that I dreamed it.
I had a heavy foreboding feeling the night before my mom's accident. I felt the need to watch her do her evening routine and try to remember it in detail in order to remember her as she was that night.
She had the life changing accident the next day. I was 12.
My daughter, Egg can feel people's spirits, if they are trustworthy or not. She's very accurate and has had no specialized training at all. It's an amazing BS detector that works on strangers before she even meets them.
She will get either a positive or negative feeling off of most people, but not everyone.