Perhaps Had a " Ghost " Experience the Last 6 weeks on a Job ? You tell me

by flipper 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • Johnnytwofeet

    I can't believe this ended up being an electrical problem. I've been studying the paranormal for 35 years and let me tell you something, all you people that laughed at Flipper because he thought it was ghosts would REALLy have been embarassed if it ended up being a ghost. I mean, it didn't this time, and in my 35 years of Ghost hunting I have never found one, but MAN are you guys going to be sorry when I do.

    Stop being so closeminded! Anyone who doesn't believe in ghosts is simply still stuck in the BORG mentality. Over my 35 years of hunting ghosts that absolutely exist I have found many many explanations for ghosts

    electrical problems.

    sick dogs hiding in the attic.

    a possum nest

    vampires (not the same as ghosts)

    and crazy people. Lots and lots of crazy people!

    I have high hopes that this wil be the year though. Got a good feeling about 2010. So stop being so closeminded!

  • GromitSK

    You've been looking for ghosts for 35 years and haven't found one?

  • notverylikely

    Well Mr. know it all in the paranormal intelligence. Let me say this , I have spent the better part of 35 years researching the paranormal. Paranormal means ( anything that cannot be explained)

    par·a·nor·mal: of or pertaining to the claimed occurrence of an event or perception without scientific explanation, as psychokinesis, extrasensory perception, or other purportedly supernatural phenomena.

    Just because you don't know the explanation doesn't mean that there isn't one. Like lens flare or electrical problems.

    You see notverylikely it has come apparent especially since your profile name gives your personality away. and your personality was and is and probably still is run and controlled by the Borg.

    Ooooh! Sweet! An "attack the messenger" response! Those are kinda fun, mainly because it means you just got all butt-hurt and that's the best you god. You have no idea where my name comes from, but I'll be happy to explain if you aren't too close-minded to hear it.

    If you were in my area I would take you to a couple of places and I promise you after you leave you will have a different view of the afterlife.

    So the ghosts are only in your area? Like, specifically in the area of your brain that processes sensory perception?

    You should call him now because he has since bought his own ghost hunting gear and now search for the paranormal like I do . Why ? Because he now believes.

    Wait, so he was a skeptic, listened to a man with no proof yet claimed to have special knowledge and now is a proselyte of yours? Where have I heard that story before....

  • notverylikely

    I see "shadow people" in my peripheral vision.

    Sigh....why do people, still, in the age where you are do basic research on ANY subject in like, two minutes, still jump to the conclusion that something you saw must be a ghost when there IS a scientifc explanation? Literally, took me less than a minute to find this...

    Images seen in peripheral areas of vision can be caused by pareidolia, a condition in which the brain incorrectly interprets random patterns of light/shadow or texture as being familiar patterns such as faces and human forms. [11] The same condition can also be observed in macular vision in low light conditions, or when viewing a complex but random image. A common example would be perceiving a shadow, thrown by an item of furniture in a darkened room, as being a person.

    I've seen Polaroids of the energy of spirits flowing into or out of a camera.

    No....this is like the people that see a picture of the flag on the moon and say "I saw a picture of the flag on the moon waving." The answer to both is "No, no you didn't. You saw a still frame and interpreted the motion, the waving, the flowing, the direction, into it. Just like with the shadow people, your mind filled in the blanks.

    I'm a believer, and it's not harming anyone. It's actually entertaining me:)

    It's so nice to be able to explore this stuff without fear.

    Go for it! Have fun, if it entertains you, have at it. Don't let anyone stop you :)

  • oldflame


    I was not attacking you, you replied to my post and now I am replying back. Do you see how that works ? No you probably don't as it seems that you are the one with all the answers. That's okay because I am laughing at you !

  • mindmelda

    Longhairgal, I had a lot of issues resolved for me when I went to a psychologist and he discovered that a lot of the things that make some people unhappy with me are simply normal organic differences.

    I'm simply different than everyone else in my family, which they took as resistance and flakiness, laziness, all sorts of negative things. I'm just not designed to think conventionally, apparently. I still get things accomplished and manage well, I just have to do some things a bit differently than most people would.

    I have a method to my madness too...I usually got schoolwork done in half the time other kids did in school, to the point where teachers accused me of cheating. LOL I'm just a very very quick reader, that was my advantage and also a nearly "photographic" memory. (That''s a poor term, the real term is "eidetic")

    I found a way to do math with the help of an outside tutor that worked for me, but didnt conform to the way it was taught in school and so got in trouble for that, as the teacher also thought I was cheating when I suddenly started getting Bs in algebra after being a dismal D student.

    People with learning differences or different learning styles cannot always learn things conventionally, and sometimes, they discover alternatives on their own.

    A good book to read about learning style differences and how to use them to your advantage is "The One Mind" by Dawna Markova. She works with LD kids and most conventional public schooling is so left brained in concept that being right brained is almost a learning difference! But discovering your own normal brain differences, strengths and weaknesses can help anyone maximize their learning potential.

    I always learned more on my own than from public school, most of the time. Occasionally, I'd find a teacher who could accomodate me, but certain subjects in school were either boring or nightmarish for me.

    I have a brother who is dyslexic...he's got a genius IQ but went through most of school thinking he was stupid because reading was so hard for him..until he devised a system on his own for reading and finally caught up.

    I got the math LD, he got the reading one...interesting that we have almost opposite learing differences, not to mention nearly opposite personalities, too.

  • notverylikely

    I was not attacking you, you replied to my post and now I am replying back.

    Yeah you were. You said I was close-minded and probably still controlled by the borg. Don't try to weasel out of it.

    Do you see how that works ?

    Yeah, you say something dumb and when it you get your ass handed back to you because of it you try to weasel out of it.

    No you probably don't as it seems that you are the one with all the answers.

    I am glad you recognize that. However, rather than come to me for answers, you might try researching on your own. Five minutes and google can be a wonderful thing.

    That's okay because I am laughing at you !

    Ignorance is bliss, so they say. I am glad you are happy.

  • mindmelda

    I know there's no real scientific evidence of the paranormal, but I've also noticed that doesn't keep some people from studying the possibilities.

    The real question to me is why do humans want there to be a metaphysical world? I hate dismissing that as mere nuttiness, because that would mean that the average human is pretty nutty. The fact is, most people believe in some aspect of the supernatural, even if it's as mundane as believing in "luck".

    There's a good psychological explanation, actually. It's because our brains are anything but literal analytical machines, hell, we're not calculators. They're a lot more sophisicated, so much so that a good part of our brains are occupied with imagination, fiction, fantasy and other self created inner worlds and most importantly, a self conscious awareness that other creatures just seem to lack...some of the smarter animals have some vague sense of self, but nothing like human brains. We have a whole big energy sucking brain section devoted to this stuff, so it has to be important. Evolution doesn't waste it's time on the useless, not much.

    All that goofiness comes from the same place, imagination, which is one of the things that makes us hella superior to even the next smartest animals to us on the planet.

    I tend not to knock something that makes us what we are, which is the smartest, most creative, most mentally and emotionally complex and just plain old most interesting living creature on earth.

  • oldflame

    notverylikely you are a fruitcake nut job !

  • undercover
    notverylikely you are a fruitcake nut job !

    ...says the guy who thinks Casper the Friendly Ghost is real...

    Most spirits are calm and do not hurt people.

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