I don't know......I'm just so incredibly livid right now....... I'm on the phone now with a brother who says he called her an apostate....
These people are just evil......
by daringhart13 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I don't know......I'm just so incredibly livid right now....... I'm on the phone now with a brother who says he called her an apostate....
These people are just evil......
Your sister is a lucky gal.........
Kinda cute you stick up for her and all...... (your gonna make a great hubby and dad one day!)
Once a man knows he can get away with crap like that without being called on the carpet........ it just gets worst.
In many ways you are 'helping' this ego tripping idiot from getting his nose broken in the future and thinking he can abuse others.
I love to hear about someone standing up to them...well done
Loz x
They are evil! How awful. Good for you for standing up for your sister. Don't give them the satisfaction of doing something stupid though! As hard as it is to keep calm - it is not worth it for you.
I hope things get better. Please let your sister know there are many people who are rooting for her and for you!
What about "If you don't start minding your own damn business about my personal life, I am not going to go to the boasting sessions or out in field circus at all!" and taking them to 1Thess 4:11. If that doesn't work, "I thought ALL scripture is inspired, not just "All scripture except 1Thess 4:11:!" And, if this was the truth, why do we need to have police constantly harassing us for minding our business, as your own Bible tells us to?
If that still doesn't work, it might be time for a follow up letter. That is, a disassociation letter.
I'd report him to the FCC by way of your phone company. There are strict laws against using the telephone to annoy, harass, or stalk someone in most places.
These people imagine they can intrude on people's personal space and personal life and give dictatorial advice.
I consider the phone to be personal and I wouldn't tolerate that kind of intrusion. Hang up.
A scene from the movie "Witness Protection" comes to mind, where Tom Sizemore's character responds to an offer to become an informant and enter into the program. Tom says to the FBI officer: "Listen, Stan, ummm, how can I put this nicely...umm...F@#K YOU!!!"
If this idiot or any like him would have to explain this to the police he would turn into jelly. Most of the
time the police can end this type of behavior with just one visit. Then if he continues this behavior
he will live to regret it.
I applaud you standing up to them. NOBODY has the right to call someone and unload verbal judgement on them because they believe THEY have some spiritual power over that individual..particularly since they are male talking to a female. Fuck that.
There was a guy in our book study in MY HOUSE no less whose wife was dying of heart problems. I studied with the wife up until she got baptised. She died shortly thereafter. A year later my children and I were making cards for this brother on the anniversary of his wifes death thinking he was sad...and a sister said "Dont! Hes not grieving her! He got married less than a month after she died to a worldly woman he worked with!" NOBODY KNEW THIS IN THE CONGREGATION EXCEPT THE ELDERS AND THEIR WIVES! And this asswipe was sitting in MY house doing this "Wait on Jehovah for all thing" act while making a fool out of all of us. He obviously was having an affair with this woman if he was married to her under a month later and then DECIEVED all of us. And on top of that marrying a worldly woman when he was so fucking HOLY?? AND he was a ministerial servant!
I called him up and reemed him out for his hypocrisy and for cheating and for deceiving us to our faces. His reply was that he "had to marry her or he would have committed fornication and didnt want to stumble anybody by telling them." But that she was "studying and hoped to come to the hall some day." I told him that it was hypocrites like him who were driving me right out the door.