Twisting Scripture vs A Literal Reading

by AllTimeJeff 64 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AllTimeJeff
    So, if there were Pharisee's in existance today

    IF can't be your favorite word where truth is concerned. IF puts it in the realm of theory.

    ...also, the bible says that the disciples knew that Jesus was referring to the (oral) teaching of the Pharisees. (not the elders I might add)

    Jesus didn't warn about the elders.

    IF one wants to make that jump, one would be twisting the scriptures for their own viewpoint, don't you think?

  • leavingwt
  • notverylikely

    Quick question....When paul said that a man had been caught up in heaven (whether in body or spirit he did not know) and was still on earth, what did that mean?

    Is ALL of the bible literal or symbolic, how do you know which parts? was man literally created from dust? did the snake really talk?

  • AllTimeJeff

    So, if some person on the street randomly asked you to read a book he wrote where he talks about a man on earth being caught up into heaven, would you take him seriously?


  • notverylikely

    So, if some person on the street randomly asked you to read a book he wrote where he talks about a man on earth being caught up into heaven, would you take him seriously?

    I'm roundabout agreeing with you, Jeff. Once you start saying "this part is literal, this part is not" then the question becomes how do you know which parts?

  • AllTimeJeff

    Hey there notverylikely. Yup, thats the point. Literal reading prevents twisting of scripture, which equals not being misled by those who do interpret twist the scripture.

  • EndofMysteries

    notverylikely - I had 'suspicion' that the garden of Eden could be symbolic......................

    .let me quote Ezekiel 31:8 - As for juniper trees, they bore no resemblance as respects its boughs. And plane trees themselves did not prove to be like it in branches. No [other] tree in the garden of God resembled it in its prettiness. 9 Pretty is the way that I made it in the abundance of its foliage, and all the [other] trees of E′den that were in the garden of the [true] God kept envying it.’

    And ezekiel 31:18 - Whom have you come to resemble thus in glory and greatness among the trees of E′den? But you will certainly be brought down with the trees of E′den to the land down below. In the midst of the uncircumcised ones you will lie down with those slain by the sword. This is Phar′aoh and all his crowd,’ is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah.”

    So, without me saying whether Eden is symbolic or literal in Genesis, there are other scriptures which can clue you in. I'm SO glad I just did this, because earlier I posted a scripture mentioned Egypt as Jehovah's people, and this is interesting, that mentions Phar'aoh and his crowd in Eden....hmmm........

    As for Paul being caught up in heaven........he says in the 7th heaven I believe? or 3rd heaven? The only other reference to that, is the non canon book, Book of Enoch. For certain things with very little talk in the scriptures, at the very least, some other ancient books may clue you in as to what the authors or common people understood of the time.

  • EndofMysteries

    Also I might add, notverylikely, so far in my own experience, I don't try to force answers. If I might be looking up something and don't get a clear cut answer, I just let it go and take notes. I've found that through my other studies and other parts of reading, that some answers come later.

    Have never learned to understand the bible this way, but without being taught by others, it starts to seem that many things CAN'T be taught, you must learn yourself, or God's spirit (if you believe).

    Now to try to explain why, why LITERALLY there are things that I believe that you can't understand, would be quite hard. So here is a SYMBOLIC ILLUSTRATION why, can you learn how to division before learning addiction and subtraction? Learning math had to be done in an order. Bible, is so deep, when you learn something, which can be through remembering and having linked a few scriptures to get a clear understanding of part of it, can change the entire meaning or make it more clear of many other points in the bible.

    Only God can know what you know and believe, and if your praying and trying to get answers, then you happen to read scriptures which seem to make sense or answer it, then makes the bible real and dynamic.

  • notverylikely

    I had 'suspicion' that the garden of Eden could be symbolic

    Then where did the sin come from that we need Jesus to atone for?

    So, without me saying whether Eden is symbolic or literal in Genesis, there are other scriptures which can clue you in.

    But Paul treated it as literal....he said sin entered through Adam, that the serpent misled Eve....

    The only other reference to that, is the non canon book, Book of Enoch.

    But the book of Enoch WAS canon in some versions of the bible. Jude quoted from it. Why IS it non-canon? Why are you using the Catholic version of the bible to start with?

  • notverylikely

    can you learn how to division before learning addiction and subtraction? Learning math had to be done in an order.

    Division can be done without learning addition.

    Now to try to explain why, why LITERALLY there are things that I believe that you can't understand, would be quite hard.

    Why do you presume I can't understand it? Because I am questioning it?

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