Is the Tide Turning For the Watchtower Organization? What Do You Think?

by mentallyfree31 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mentallyfree31

    Interesting observations. Thanks.

  • Robert7

    They were able to blow-off the 1975 fiasco where anyone you asks says "it was just a few Witnesses who blew it out of proportion". I think the same will slowly happen to 1914. It will likely be part of the overall doctrine, but it will probably be mentioned less and less, and newer ones will never think of it.

    But the beauty of the Internet is that people can stumble upon this information as another coverup. Combine this with the Society getting more and more controlling, and people will be dropping out more and more, and fewer will join.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I think that their "7 Million" number is kind of bogus- manipulating elderly people to say they got 15 minutes of recruiting in every month and having the hounders hound members to report something every month, adding that to those that go for family and don't believe.

    Anyway, their numbers may go up a tad more, but I personally think they have already peaked in reality.

    It's too easy for new potential recruits to look the Jehovah's Witnesses up on the internet and read sites and view videos.

    Young ones brought up as JW's either lead a double life or leave the JW's in droves. The number staying in cannot replace the numbers they lose to death and leaving/being kicked out.

    If I had not already faded, the 2008 sudden direction change in "generation" would have caused me to get up in the middle of the Watchtower study and say "I am outta here." I have to figure that quite a few will wake up to the nulite and decide that these clowns cannot possibly know what "Jesus evidently meant."

    In the near future, their Brooklyn properties will be entirely gone. They will have a few new lawsuits- lawyers got started when they heard of the last settlement, but these things take time. They won't get the money from members that they hope to get. Awake will either be gone or combined with a monthly Watchtower, but that will be gone sometime after that. They will be tract pushers.

    HQ will start combining congregations and will try to tell the members which congs. and KH's to sell. They will base their decisions on which properties are more valuable and easy to sell, but they won't tell members how those decisions are made.

    The Overlap Generation doctrine will come to blow up in their faces as people get tired of them stretching out the "any-minute-now" urgency of it.

  • AuntBee

    I was interested in what Gary said (techincally his wife said) about 1914 not being a core doctrine. Does this mean you can voice an opinion, that you don't agree with it? I remember Mouthy writing about how she was disfellowshipped for not believing 1914. Has that changed?

    Is the view of "Generation" a core doctrine? Can you elaborate on the concept "core doctrine"? I thought in the WT system, you pretty much have to affirm everything in the current pubs. Are there really any 'minor' points people can argue/discuss about?

    Would it be a disfellowshipping offense to go around the KH saying you believe 'generation' still means the Annointed, or the wicked people? Or is it ok to believe that inside, as long as you don't promote that view?

  • journey-on

    People are nervous about 2012.....The Witnesses will be nervous till 2014 (100 yr. anniv.).

    After that, the WTS will HAVE to do a major overhaul or their religion will crumble. That's when I think the tide will turn.

  • undercover
    The whole 1914 thing is going to look pretty ridiculous in 2015.

    It looks pretty damn ridiculous now.... yet most JWs still buy into it. While there may be a few that give up by 2015, I still see the majority 'keeping the faith'.


    OTO has it nailed..

    Back in the Day you put in a minimum of 10 hours a month to be a publisher..

    Now it`s 15 minutes?..LOL!!

    You can claim a lot more JW`s..

    If all someone has to do,is preach for 15 minutes..

    Talk to 3 people in one month..About something WBT$ related,for 5 minutes..

    And..Your a JW Publisher!!..

    There is no end to WBT$ Bullshit..The WBT$ is run by Idiots!!..


  • StAnn

    This post makes me want to ask a question. My mother was baptized into this mess in 1962. Is there anything she was taught back then that is still being taught today? She'd have given her life at any time for the WTS and its teachings but, today, seems like the teachings she'd have given her life for in, say, 1970 are no longer considered valid.

    Has someone done a timeline of when beliefs were added/dropped/mutated?


  • moshe
    The problem is they cannot, if 1914 is wrong, there was no choosing of them in 1919, and so there was no mantle to pass on, and so the GB are not who they say they are, and JW's are not a spirit directed organization.

    The WT has been quietly telling the brothers that the WT and the GB have nothing to do with each other for many years now. They have made veiled, read between the lines, disclaimers in the publications over the years that mention the voluntary nature of the preaching work a JW does and the human side (sh$t happens) of the JW religion. The printing operations- Watchtower corp, is now separate from the Christian congregation of JW's (regular JW's acting like god) and the GB is , I believe part of the original Watchtower of Pennsylvania corp. So you have one corp printings mags, another corp handling the congregations and the figurehead leaders, giving talks ( from the writing dept) and acting like special old geezers. It's a 3 or 4 way juggling act, but the JW thinks the GB is doing the Juggling, when in reality, it is probably the legal/accounting departments that are making the calls. At some point the average JW my put it all together and should the elders realize they have been bamboozled, the game will be over- except the KH will just be liquidated and the $$ will flow back to the Corporation. How the WT nonprofit deals will all of this downsizing is an unknown, but it will start happening soon. The Internet will doom them..

  • daringhart13

    The numbers are skewed....many people don't tell the truth.

    Also, please keep in mind that the vast majority of JW's aren't educated on their own religion. They couldn't explain 1914 if they had to. Those that do have an inkling that its incorrect usually just say 'oh well' or 'well, we are doing the preaching work'

    The lack of true heart motive and education on what they claim they would 'die for' is unnerving. My own family knows NOTHING about "the Truth"...... yet they keep showing up, daydreaming and leaving.

    Go to a meeting on a Sunday. No one is listening. Listen to the WT comments....they are parrotted out of the paragraph.

    None of them know why they are there......most stay in for social circles, family ties and not knowing any better.

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