why in gods name would anyone be ok with making do when they can avoid it simply by making changes to their lifestyle?
I think you may have missed the part where I said I am a Type I diabetic, dear lola (again, peace to you!). Nothing I can change, per my doctors. Except perhaps a pancrea transplant (but no one's offered that, yet, and not sure I would accept one if it were. Depends, you know?).
Also, I would have to ask that same question of, say:
smokers/tokers drinkers crackheads/cranksters/tweakers/sniffers... and other sundry "users" overeaters under-eaters anorexics bulimics vegetarians carnivores prostitutes johns religious leaders religous slaves polygamists monogamists homosexuals heterosexuals males females the childish the prudish and other "ones" who only need to change their lifestyle to fit others' paradigms of what is right... for them
Any one of these can simply "make changes to their lifestyles," and yet, don't. Right? I think a better questions are:
If someone is satisfied with themselves, why not simply cheer for them... and WITH them? And if someone ISN'T satisfied with themselves... why not offer the assistance they're asking for (and only IF they are indeed asking, as is the case here)... without having to insult them in the process?
Your way of living better? IMHO, that's your [not necessarily better or accurate] opinion. But stating it in the same manner as the WTBTS ("you're crap because you... look like, like, do, don't do, eat, don't eat, appear to be..." whathaveyou)... and from the same place ("I can day this because I... was like you but no more... was never like you... wouldn't be like you... etc.), is, to me, the EPITOME... of hypocrisy. The "reformed whore" syndrome ("I used to be a whore, but I'm not now, so now I can condemn all you current whores"...). Rather than the "I used to be a whore, so I know what you're going through and how hard it is for you... but you CAN do it... and even if you don't, I don't judge you but love you still... because that's what I would have wanted you to do for me" point of view. Unless she's going around recruiting more whores by lying to them; then, yeah, you may need to confront her. But for what she's DOING (misleading others down her path)... not what she IS.
Praise JAH... He goes by what's on the INSIDE... and not on the outside. And I understand that. Because many of the people I know, while not the easiest on the eyes on the outside... are MOST beautiful on the inside. At the same time I've known... and still know... some people who are VERY ugly, indeed hideous on the INSIDE... in spite of what the "outside" suggests.
Again, I hope you understand and, again, I wish you peace!
A slave of Christ,
SA, who doesn't judge books by their covers...