I need to lose 20 pounds
by Heartbreaker 88 Replies latest jw friends
Outlaw, you do know that Arnold used steroids?
First, let me apologize to dear Heartbreaker... and the Board... for "hijacking" the thread (sorry, dear HB... and everyone else... and peace to you!).
I think I "went" where I did as a result of dear NVL's... well, I don't know what. Perhaps his (yeah, you're a "he"... in some ways...), I dunno... lack of... I dunno... I want to say "remembrance of what it was like"... but then I realize he probably indulged in a lot of self-loathing at the time (I'm thinking he had to, because he would necessarily want to include himself among those he has 100% disdain FOR... or admit his hypocrisy regarding the matter)... and actually may NOT remember what it was "like"... to have others "loathe" him as well... although he'd done absolutely nothing TO them.
I then "went" again, I guess, when dear lola seemed to indicate that diabetes is pretty much something one can actually "do something" about"... and will pretty much bankrupt its victims... which isn't always the case.
Yes, it bothers me (and those who "know" me here will know that there are a couple/few things that do bother me, yes, and these two issues are among them...) when people conclude that people who are overweight are necessarily unhealthy... and people who aren't... well, aren't. To ME, Brett Michaels LOOKS "healthy". I mean, he LOOKS like he works out. Yet, recent events show that nothing could be further from the truth.
BUT... dear Finally Free is right: it really is a insignificant debate. So I am going to go back to, again, worrying about the content of people's character... and heart... and overlook their flesh. Because... the flesh is of NO use, anyway.
So, again, I apologize... and wish you all peace! Regardless of how much you weigh...
A slave of Christ,
I think I "went" where I did as a result of dear NVL's
Don't blame me for what you wrote.
I want to say "remembrance of what it was like"... but then I realize he probably indulged in a lot of self-loathing at the time (I'm thinking he had to, because he would necessarily want to include himself among those he has 100% disdain FOR... or admit his hypocrisy regarding the matter)
Hey, don't sell me short. I indulge in self loathing now.
classic american conversation about losing weight.Work out,stop eating like a pig,rest enough and see your body change over time.
LOL HB, thanks for the "update"
I can understand heated debate over Armageddon, the enslavement of the WTS, the blood issue,....................but loosing 20 lbs? Just goes to show everyone has an opinion about EVERYTHING! But that's ok to, I guess we needed to explore ALL facets of loosing 20 lbs. It's good for the newbies, LOL
I do not understand your desire to lose weight. You are quite the looker and are very feminine in your appearance. Mr. Heartbreaker is a lucky man.