Do you still believe in the doctrines of the Watchtower
by SAHARA 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
a prize awaits for your correct guess
Everlasting life?
You obviously have a wonderful economy with words. I look forward to your next syllable with great eagerness.
Do I believe that Jesus is/was Michael, the Archangel? No.
Do I believe that Jesus was created? No.
Do I believe that Jesus did not resurrect in the flesh, but as a spirit? No.
Do I believe that Jesus is "a god"? No.
Do I believe that only 144,000 Jehovah's Witnesses are destined to rule with Christ in Heaven? No.
Do I believe that salvation comes from belonging to the Watchtower and doing works? No.
Do I believe that giving or receiving blood loses my salvation and destroys my relationship with God? No.
Do I believe that the Watchtower was chosen by Jesus "invisibly" in 1918? No.
Do I believe that Jesus Christ took His heavenly throne in 1914? No.
Do I believe the earth is only 6,000 years young? No.
Do I believe there's a "paradise earth" for Jehovah's Witnesses? No.
Do I believe God or Jesus is going to destroy billions of non-Jehovah's Witnesses at Armageddon? No.
Do I believe the Watchtower is has the "truth" and is God's organization on earth? No.
1) I still believe that there is not a hell fire (not an original JW believe)
2) I still believe that God is not a trinity (not an original JW doctrine)
3) I still believe in life after death in heaven or earth or both (not an original JW believe)
4) I still believe in the resurrection and final judgment (not an original JW believe)
5) I still believe in witnessing to others about my Christian faith – not by going from door to door leaving WT publications- (not a unique JW practice)
that's it for now.
Do I believe the 144,000 are anointed? NO.