People have always made fun of fat people but now that they are becoming the majority it might be good time to back off.
I'm wonderin' if fat/overweight people...
by AGuest 40 Replies latest jw friends
And, please, try not to give me too much of that "it's not healthy" melarkey, because statistics show (TRULY!)... that skinny people have a 70% higher change of dying early than fat people (10%).
Is that what the Holy Spirit lets you believe? I am sure, as mentioned above, there are a small set of circumstances where that is true? Did you, like WTS, take a statistic out of context? Perhaps, you read that senior citizens (or ones even older) were better off with extra weight than those that were considered frail. As far as people in all age brackets, I am confident that the skinny ones will generally outlive the fat people unless they face starvation.
Turning on/picking on/hatred toward fat people is as old as all those others you mention.
You may hearing of the crest of the next wave of taxation. Smokers are dying off, so the governments may focus some hate on fat people and claim they keep our medical costs high, so they will tax Twinkies and Klondike bars. -
Turning on/picking on/hatred toward fat people is as old as all those others you mention.
Most people don't start out fat, they let themselves get that way and they can change if they want (like catholics!). black people and jews can't.
Why couldn't I have been born a Black Jew? Instead I am a fat white guy that loves his Camel's!
Most people don't start out fat, they let themselves get that way and they can change if they want (like catholics!). black people and jews can't.
au least according to the WT...
...the Ethiopian cannot do for himself God could readily do for him. The difference between the races of men and the differences between their languages have long been arguments against the solidarity of the human family. The doctrine of restitution has also raised the question. How could all men be brought to perfection and which color of skin was the original? The answer is now provided. God can change the Ethiopian's skin in his own due time.
Watchtower 2-15 1904
au least according to the WT...
Well if you can't pick on fatty who can you pick on?
*that's a joke*
"because statistics show (TRULY!)... that skinny people have a 70% higher change of dying early than fat people (10%)...."
I've heard that statistic before, and it probably depended on how the study/studies were run... However, IF true, I suspect that these factors are involved:
The study may have included anorexics and/or bulemics...
The study may have included people who replace HEALTHY food with various "diet" foods that aren't as nutritious, in an effort to keep the "calorie" count down so they can "reward" themselves with that extra piece of pie/cake/chocolate at dinner...
The study may have included - or have been weighed heavily [sorry; pun!] towards people who stay slim/thin by dieting INSTEAD of exercising...
Not all who exercise are healthy, either... I clearly remember attending an aerobics class wherein the instructor worked us heartily for an hour, then, at the end of the class, declared, "Now you can all go home and eat a Creme Puff!!!"
Which made me want to retch... I don't like pastries... My weakness is candy... I used to have that 'under control', but as I've aged, the motivation to stay slim [I was a size 6; am a size 10 now...] is no longer there...
But I'll say this - eating healthy means I feel REALLY, REALLY GOOD!!! And have the strength to tackle tough jobs, complete things faster, get more done, have NO joint pain, and so on...
The "Sugar Demon" tends to get me when I'm feeling discouraged or tired or THIRSTY.
Does this info help?? Zid - of the "carrying around the equivalent of a 30-pound backpack" right now...
From Spinal Tap:
"Big bottom, Big bottom
Talk about mudflaps, my girl's got 'em!"
You have to put on some weight as you age, it fills in the wrinkles!!
(That's what I tell myself.)