I have found the truth about the truth now...

by truthseeker12 42 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • ProdigalSon

    Ahh, another cult survivor! Welcome TS12!

    Read any Springmeier yet? "Be Wise As Serpents" has a chapter called "The Cult of the Double-Sexed God Jehovah"....interesting!

    Do you know about pedophile Chuckie Russell's Halloween Toga Party? Rutherford probably had something to do with knocking him off, Satanic Ritual Style...

  • jamiebowers

    Welcome. You'll learn lots here.

  • independent_tre

    Thanks so much for your thoughtful post and yes I do believe that more than anything, being able to fellowship and read experiences from other "survivors" helps tremendously. Your post is part of this helping process, even for those of us who have been around here for a while.

    There is so much proof I have collected, but I can't present it here. I just wanted to let you know if it will comfort someone that you are not deemed [doomed] by god because of judgement from the Jehovahs Witnesses they can't have that authority.

    Excellent point - I'm trying to help a DF'd family member understand that she is not under the authority of men. But as you know, young ones and born-ins are brainwashed to a point of thinking they deserve to be shunned by friends and family, and they believe they are not worthy of unconditional love and acceptance.

  • Virgochik

    Your post really moved me, Truthseeker 12. I, too have been searching for answers...what is true and how to live my life even tho being raised a JW has me pretty confused. I found comfort in your simple summary: just believe in Jesus and accept him as Savior. The smaller details will sort themselves out. When I'm at a traffic light and ready to blow my horn at somebody, I ask myself if Jesus would do that, and it helps me be nicer. I liked the part about staying away from organized religions. We just need to be Christians, so true!

  • reslight2

    truthseeker12 stated:

    Last but not least Charles Taze Russell, Pennsylvania and JF Rutherford could not be people or places that god the creator chose for waken up to the Christian church...this is impossible. It is very easy to see the tracks to Masonic, Satanism, and pagan origin.

    What are you referring to as "track to Masonic, Satanism, and pagan origin"? Specifically, what Masonic, Satanism, and paganism are you referring to?

    truthseeker12 stated:

    My conclusion so far is that the true belief is to get out of all religions and accept Jesus Christ as your only savior

    This is precisely the message that Charles Taze Russell (who was never associated with the JW organization) preached, although in reality, many of his associates began to treat the Bible Students Association itself as another denomination.

    Christian love,


  • garyneal


    Are you a Bible student?

  • garyneal


    Welcome to the board. I can certainly relate to your story as I have spent nearly a year trying to find 'the truth' after being misled by this religion for six years prior. Prior to getting involved with this religion, I just accepted that no organized religion had the truth and just accepted Jesus instead. Now I am trying to return to that way of thinking now.

    God Bless

  • Heaven

    Welcome to JWN, truthseeker12! I really liked what you said here:

    I just wanted to let you know if it will comfort someone that you are not deemed by god because of judgement from the Jehovahs Witnesses they can't have that authority.

    and ...

    I am working on forgiving and moving on now and find the right way with Jesus

    I believe all of us are working on finding our 'right way'. I am glad you are reading and learning ... I hope you never stop.

  • reslight2

    garyneal asked:


    Are you a Bible student?


  • Bangalore



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