Yes - they bring out all the drivel don't they. I know people usually do pull out the Red Sea bit. What I say is - Well that's right they did follow Moses and had no idea what was going to happen and it seemed wrong and they did have to trust in him and in God. BUT - what would have happened if he went up to the Sea and NOTHING HAPPENED? And they WAITED and WAITED and WAITED for DECADES and then were told - hang on, trust in God he said he has some new light for us! How many of them would still be there?
If Moses was wrong - it would have been self-evident very soon!
Good luck! .....Hadit
The Red Sea can be crossed,when the Tide is out..
Thats where Moses crossed with the Israelites..Thats where Napoleane crossed with his troops..
God did`nt part the sea for either of them..
................................ ...OUTLAW