Men or Women? Which do you think is most likely to wake up and leave?
Which gender is most likely to leave the JW's?
by highdose 20 Replies latest jw friends
They're the least likely to take any foolishness off anyone.
Just my opinion.
They're the least likely to take any foolishness off anyone.
I would have said Women - simply because there seem to be so many more JW women than men.
Mmmm difficult....I'm not sure but I guess women who arent distracted by status and glory in there...
Loz x
women.....i just think it is harder for them to endure the cruelity
A Trannie.
I think you are asking the wrong questions. Instead of gender you should be asking 'married or single'. You should also consider 'born in' as opposed to 'later convert' or 'walk in' like me.
Male adolescents would be out first, then followed by others of either sex and varying ages.
I would have to say 'singles' would leave first. I came in as a young adult. I had several things going for me that single women who were born-in don't have: a career, independence and lack of concern for what anybody thought. I was going to add 'self-esteem' but women born-in can have this if they weren't torn down by crazy parents or trampled on by people in the religion from youth on up.
It is a well-known fact that men have less use for religion than women. Plus, just look at the demographics: there are way more women in the Hall than men, as is exemlpified by the fact that you can be the biggest janitor loser drunkard JW male and still get a hottie wife.
With that said, there is no need for guessing. From The Pew Forum:
What is the gender composition of Jehovah's Witnesses?
40% Male 60% Female Stronger Sex -- Spiritually Speaking
So, while the above stats do not speak directly to the thread's title question, we can extrapolate based on this information that men, once in the JWs are probably more likely to leave.
JW women are 'trained-up' to take a lot of crap under the very wide umbrella of submission and paternal rule.