The ethics of pretending to believe

by pirata 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • pirata

    For a few years now I have been pretending to believe something that I no longer do. I feel like an actor honing his skills in order to survive in a dictatorship where no dissent is allowed.

    So far I have not had to face any real ethical dilemmas that would require me to end the charade: letting a loved one die because of blood or shunning a close df'd family member.

    I am slowly helping my immediate family to see the things I am learning, but in the meantime I cannot help but feel bad about the whole charade. It feels deceptive, and (assuming deception is wrong) is therefore wrong, but I also see it as accomplishing the best good in the medium/long term.

    What do you think? What ethical considerations come into play here?

  • Lozhasleft

    Many do...but I personally have come to see that you have to play them at their own game...and that obviously means strategy and tactics...we're talking damage limitation arent we?

    Loz x

  • yknot

    None whatsoever......

    I look forward to the day I move forward and beyond.....

    Life is a journey, this is where I am at now.....

    (I suppose if I was a boy, I would grab my pair and give them the bird--- but I am a 'nice' girl who is submissive and outbursts of 'uppitiness' are fleeting as a male 'takes the lead' and tells me to run along ..... one day this too will change)

  • Lozhasleft

    Oh YkNOT your post here just made me feel so sad for you...

    Loz x


    What do you think? What ethical considerations come into play here?

    Other than living a lie and wasting your life..

    Nothing really..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • LongHairGal


    Don't judge yourself so harshly. I don't judge anybody about ethics because some people have to 'fake it' for their family. My heart goes out to them because they must feel ill. I know I would. You say it is a charade but you have to first ask yourself: does the religion deserve to know what you are thinking and would they be as HONEST with you and everybody else? It is on a case by case basis and a person has to do what is best for themselves and their family.

    I am a 'fader' who just goes to the memorial once a year and that's it. (No more door-to-door though). That is the extent of my 'pretending to believe'. When I move away I will stop attending the memorial as well. Some years back I might have attended a special talk or maybe an occasional Sunday but that only encouraged busybodies to bother me. They don't realize it but their annoying behavior only encourages 'faders' even more.

  • yknot

    Don't feel too sad......

    I can be a holy terror to my poor those moments of 'uppitiness'

  • Sapphy

    Yknot - we're in the same boat Sister. Every time I pretend to believe a little bit of my soul evporates.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Letter read at KH recently said there are 165 Special Pioneers in Great Britain; of these 102 are old and infirm and 75 of them have served for over 40 years. I wonder how many of them are living a lie like so many of us. Too old to leave having no pension, skills, home, family, other than JW's?



    Unless you have "no plan" for leaving..Don`t be too hard on yourselves..

    Make a Plan to get out and follow through.. I just walked out..

    That may not work for you..

    So make a plan that suits your circumstances..


    You`ll waste whatever years you have left to live,in the WBT$..

    brunette girl pointing  gun at her head

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

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