Do JHW teach about the blood of Jesus and what it did ?

by evangelist 1 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Hello outlaw!

    Don't also the JHW know that it is a certainnumbers of God chosen people the Jews who are the

    Rev 7:4 it say children of Israel, not the children from JHW!

    Also can someone here help me with the question about the bible are all bibles have the truth ot not , and why They say at first they are and latter contradict other bibles when other scriptures point to Jesus being God and the trinity, and that Jesus is also our creator the Alpha and Omega??

    Why doN't they be honest and say only their ´bible is the only original true bible better tha the greek and hebrew original bible given to them direct from heaven???


    Good Morning Evangelist..

    The first thing you have to do,to really understand us is..

    To realise the Watchtower and the Jehovah`s Witness`s are not one and the same..

    The Watchtower gives the orders,Jehovah`s Witness`s do as they are dam well told by the Watchtower..

    Jehovah`s Witness`s have a say in "Nothing"..

    Most Jehovah`s Witness`s don`t even know,what you now know..

    Now..In answer to your Questions..

    In Watchtower World..

    The 144,000 are Jehovah`s Witness`s..

    Jew`s don`t listen to the WBT$ so they all got Fired,along with Jesus..

    Nobodys Job is safe in Watchtower World..Including God..

    God would`nt have a Job,without the Watchtower..


    The Watchtower is All Powerfull..

    If they decide other Bible translations are not as accurate as theirs..

    Then thats how it is..Don`t ask Questions!!..

    The WBT$ re-wrote the Bible to suit themselves..Who`s going to argue with them?..

    Not Jehovah`s Witness`s..They would be thrown out..

    Not God..He`d lose his Job!..LOL!!..

    The Watchtower Cult,Jehovah`s Witness`s is`nt about God or Jesus..

    It`s about agreeing with the WBT$ and doing as your told..

    It`s your only way to Salvation,in Watchtower World..

    ............................ ...OUTLAW

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Is this true what deputy Dod has posted that only Adam sins were forgiven so basically Jesus died on the cross for nothing or only for Adam and Eve and the rest of the whole is going to hell because they had none of their sins forgiven?

    They're not going to say it in so many words, but, that is effectively what happens, they have no assurance of salvation because they need to do works so God will remember to resurrect them.

    Basicly the blood of Christ gives them a chance to work for their salvation.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    they have no assurance of salvation because they need to do works so God will remember to resurrect (I should have said "recreate") them.

  • Heaven

    they have no assurance of salvation because they need to do works so God will remember to resurrect (I should have said "recreate") them.

    Right. Except that it's not an exact re-creation. No one will have sex organs.

    Does that mean women still have to wear skirts and dresses then? I mean, that's how they're depicted in the Watchtower images in Paradise Earth. If we're sexless, why are we wearing clothing that is assigned to a gender? I no understand.

  • evangelist 1
    evangelist 1

    What happens to being redeemed in the blood?

    What happens to being wshed of all sins by the blood do JHW believe these things?

    That we are justified before God because of the blood what do JHW say teach?


  • designs


    Why don't you get educated on JW teachings before you engage in dialogue on these subjects. Theology is simple no matter whose beliefs you are speaking of but first read up on them.


    What happens to being redeemed in the blood?

    What happens to being wshed of all sins by the blood do JHW believe these things?

    That we are justified before God because of the blood what do JHW say teach?



    In Watchtower World..

    That has all been Cancelled,by a Higher Power..

    The Watchtower..

    ............................ ...OUTLAW

  • evangelist 1
    evangelist 1

    Hello outlaw

    If the WT canceled out all the good gospel , they just as well throw away their bibles and just stay with thers books and news papers!

    Just my two cents!

    Hello design

    That is why I am here to get understanding about the JHW, and when I ask active JHW they just lie and have bad teachings as I see it!

    I have talk with many JHW but now even though I never been a JHW or ex Jehovah witness all the society temples or halls are told to not talk to me because i know the bible and can't be decieved and they might can't sleep at night when I talk to them.

    I alway talk to them with question and I let them think about their own answers on how confused and foolish they are, like with Thomas saying my Lord and my God, and having two Alpha and Omega Jesus and God which there can only ne one but both are quoted in the bible REV.

    I love Hebrews ,Romans and I think JHW hate Hebrews and colosians and John, it show thier errors!

    Hello Heaven

    Thanks for watching the video's I hope it will be a blessing to you and other to share the gospel and about who we are and it connect truth about the trinity as such.

    I did ask the JHW do they study the bible alone and they lied and said yes, but they do say also they use their publications like their final authority, what a shame.

    I learn also if they can't teach, they are insulted , but if you show their teaching is confused they might get night mares!

    I think te straw man technic is the best to use on them , but the most is let the Holy Spirit deal with them, and if they still don't hear which they are blinded to believe lies, then they are not called!

    one love

    one love

  • Heaven

    If the WT canceled out all the good gospel , they just as well throw away their bibles and just stay with thers books and news papers!

    Hi evangelist 1! Glad to see you. I watched part of your video but my home Internet connection is too slow so I'll try to catch it next week from work.

    You are 100% correct about the above. As a matter of fact, no JW is allowed to study the Bible WITHOUT the WTS publications.

    So... JWs have their own Bible and use the WTS publications to study that Bible. What do you conclude from that?


    If the WT canceled out all the good gospel , they just as well throw away their bibles and just stay with thers books and news papers!

    Just my two cents!.....Evangelist


    The WBT$ wrote their own Bible..The regular bible did`nt back up what they teach..

    What good is a Bible,if it does`nt agree with the Watchtower?..


    ......................... ...OUTLAW

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