An Introduction

by Desert Rat 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Desert Rat
    Desert Rat

    Since I have been a lurker off and on for years, I thought it was high time I got off my duff and joined. I didn't look at member names when I sat up my account, so I didn't realize there was a DesertRat already, I am just a slight difference with a space in there. Thought I would point that out right away so there would hopefully be no confusion.

    My name is Sue and I live in Nevada. I used to be on Randy's forum years ago, some here may know or remember me. I wasn't born in the truth, but my folks studied off and on while I was at home. I was a teenager during the time of the big push to get baptized, since 1975 was very near, and I was of an age where I "couldn't ride into the new system on anyone's coattails".

    Like many others, I watched '75 come and go without any fanfare. Discouraged, and thinking it might not be the truth, I fell away for a couple of short years. Got married, had a baby... Then it was actually someone at his work 'witnessing' to my husband that got him interested, and he towed me along when he started studying and going to meetings. That got me back into it, and I ended up wasting several years of my life being the good little zealous pioneer sister. My husband never did get baptized! What a smart man he is!

    There were a lot of reason's to my finally leaving in about '93 I think it was. Probably the hypocrisy within my own congregation was the foremost factor. Then my husband made it easy for me to fade out, by taking a transfer to the other side of the state (Oregon). Then we made another move shortly after, down to Nevada. It was also easy because by that time, I had no close family that were still in. A very quick fade you might say, one day I was there, and the next I wasn't! Wish it were that easy for every one!

    I haven't gone back to any kind of organized religion. I am scared to death to step into a church, even though I have really had a desire to lately. Maybe I'm afraid I'd be held captive if I did, I don't know, not sure what my hangup is with that. I think my need for religion right now, may be, because our family has had a string of five deaths recently, and maybe I'm wondering if this life is all there really is...??? I know I will never return to the jw's!


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Welcome to board Desert Rat!

    Coming to terms with your own mortality is initially scary, but, ultimately liberating, IMO.


  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Desert Rat.......welcome to the forum. Looking forward to hearing your experiences and comments.

    Think About It

  • jamiebowers

    Welcome. I don't know if any church can help you come to grips with the death of a loved one. I think it just takes time. As for the question, "Is this all there is?", you'd probably be better off just studying on your own, but that's just my opinion.

  • palmtree67

    Hi Desert Rat!

    I was born in. I went to a church for the first time a little while ago and was not struck by lightning as I exitted!! LOL

    It was a real eye-opening, faith-strengthening experience and I'm glad I went. I was warmly welcomed, but didn't feel "love-bombed". It was freindly and the sermon was encouraging, and actually applied a couple of sciptures in a way I had never thought of before. It happened to be the service where some of the missionaries had come back (from Africa....) and we got to hear their experiences.

    I recommend going if you feel the need to.

    Hugs to you,


  • flipper

    DESERT RAT- Welcome to the board friend ! You are among similar people who have freed themselves from cult mind control of the witness organization. I'm glad your husband didn't get sucked into it like you said. Hey- He's got to be a smart guy- he married you didn't he ?

    Regarding your statement - " I'm scared to death to step into a church " and " maybe I'm afraid I'd be held captive if I did , I don't know, not sure what my hangup is with that. " Maybe you have no hangups at all. You very well may have good reasons to fear being taken in again by a high control group religious or not. Perhaps you should listen to your instinct within and follow it. Sounds like you have pretty good critical thinking ability with an open mind if you ask me. I've been out over 6 years and I've never been back to any churches - for much the same reason, don't trust em and I don't want to be controlled again.

    So instead of looking at it as a " hangup " it might just be your inner wisdom talking to you. Just my 2 cents here. Happy to have you here and look forward to your posts ! Take care ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • yknot

    I visit my hubby's church...... it ain't so bad.

    Glad you decided to start posting!

  • Bangalore



  • designs

    If you need exercise you could go to the local Catholic Church and Genuflect.............

  • RosePetal

    Hi Desert Rat WELCOME I agree with palmtree67when I went to my local baptist church for the first time I was welcomed

    but not love bombed they were warm welcoming and friendly. I have quickly made some lovely friends I was taken

    aback by the amount they do for people locally and for each other in the church and the extent of the charity work

    they are involved in. I also recommend you give it a try.

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